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Another cold summer night


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Just come in for a few minutes to warm up having kicked off a capture run on my next target. Damn me, but it's cold out there! This time last year I was pretty much out in shorts and a t-shirt. This year I look like I'm on an expedition to the arctic!

Fighting tiredness doesn't help. It's been a long weekend. Always good to kick off Monday morning feeling like you've done something with the weekend though.

Can't deny I'm not a little relieved to see a patch of cloudy weather turning up this week. After something like six 2am+ nights out of seven I'm desperately short of beauty sleep and I do so need it. I'm definitely starting to feel a little delirious, too.

Not that I am complaining, you understand. I would be very pleased if the nights were guaranteed to be clear every day for the next three months. Partly because it would mean I could take a night off, sure...


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Got all nicely set up, great views of Saturn. Praising the accuracy of "Scope nights" and weather forecasters, when whoosh loads of cloud.

Who ordered that ?! A rare night to finish before midnight, just couldn't sleep. Never mind the twilight we need

clear skies,


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I hade Friday and saturday break, mainly because of the skies, but last night was actually surpisingly good, the latest one I had yet, up till 2:30, and gave me as a present my first view of M27. it takes a bit of time before I have enough garden clearance to see on that side, it was worth the wait. I few clouds are welcome now, wouldn't hurt the garden either and give me my much needed sleep :) luckily no work today, should be a bit of DIY according to the plan ... allegedly, not done too much so far :D

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Same here. Even though its lovely here tonight, I've given myself the night off having stayed up until 2am + for the last four nights on the trot and I am now actually knackered.

Worth it though, and we will be glad we did when the rain comes back and doesn't give us clear skies for the next month!

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