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Of BBQ's, Satellites and stuff....

Paul M

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Being a lovely warm day and us being up at our caravan in Cumbria, yesterday was always going to be a BBQ day.

It's all about timing and who makes the first move. For once it wasn't us!

Friends informed us that they'd host this one so we could relax :)

It was a clear evening and from their pitch we had good views to the North, West and South.

The crowd know me well and before darkness fell I was being asked if the "Play Station" was out tonight?

I knew it, The Space Station, was going to be visible around midnight as was ATV-4, Albert Einstein.

Using Satellite Safari I got the timings for Einstein first and announced where it would be in the sky. No one ever believes that the little yellow star I point out is actually Saturn. But I eventually convinced them and told them that Einstein would be passing just over it soon.

They weren't disappointed.. It's like I'm a magician or something! :D

Next up was ISS. I explained that the two were playing catch up but were on opposite sides of the planet at the moment. A nice high and bright pass. It never disappoints. I really must be a magician !!

As we discussed the pleasures of having a alcohol drenched BBQ under a beautiful clear sky I noticed a tell-tale bright feature in the twilight on the NNE horizon. I wouldn't have noticed it without the small cumulus clouds being silhouetted against it.

I pointed it out to the crowd, one of whom said he'd noticed it and though it was the moon rising!

A discussion of NLC's followed.

It slowly grew brighter and eventually became a very nice little display. It increased in size and brightness and the foreground cumulus drifted away revealing some nice structure to the NLC.

A second pass of Einstein at half past midnight brought the socializing to an end.

It may have been advertised as a BBQ but for me it was a marvelous naked eye Star Party! I'm sure everyone else appreciated the extra dimension that a clear sky brings to these events!

As I got back to our caravan at about 1am I took a couple of shots of the NLC. I didn't set the tripod up and just rested the camera on the decking hand rail:


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noctilucent clouds [nlc] which are very high about 50 miles up, form when ice crystals collect on dust in the upper atmosphere. first reported in the late 1800's possible causes , industrial processes.global warmiing or even meteor dust .

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