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Yet another power tank


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well folks, after losing a night because I hadn't charged my batteries and reading all the other build projects on here I thought it was time to give it a go myself.

I had an old tool box in the shed sat idle and measured it up and yes it would hold a 12 V leisure battery and so the project was born

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The toolbox cleaned and ready. I decided to put my accessories in the compartments so I have all my kit in one place


Bottom section tray

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Top box and tray.

The beuty with this box is that ther top box is strong to allow you to stand on it during DIY so it will double as a stool.

Next installment will be the power tank.

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So on to the power tank, after reinforcing the floor of the box with some ply, It made for a nice snug fit for the 75 Ah leisure bttery I had purchased (a 100 Ah battery was too tall)


Adding the divider gives somewhere to fix the fuse box to and a compartment for the wiring to sit.

I drilled the side and mounted the sockkets, switches (red neon to prevent losing night vision) and a meter to monitor the battery content.


A few screws and some wiring and crimping and we have the power to the fuse box and Negative returns. Put it all together and we have our finished product.

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The cables need to be tidied up a bit, I left them fairly long so that the divider can be slid out to change any fuses without having to disconnect it all.


The beast all together


And a nice healthy output. Tested on the mount and all works fine, now to give it some use tonight :)

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