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Mono First Light 6th June


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Finaly got my chance to use my new set up, seeing was nice & steady, but due to my location only get about 40 mins capture time before she gets way too low! Fairly happy with the results but think theres more to come out of the data, images taken at f30 with my 3x tv barlow, Thanks for looking!






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Nice work Simon. Even the B looks quite good which is usually the one to let things down. Looks like people had must better conditions than me last night. I gave up as it was hard to tell it was Saturn I was looking at !!

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Thanks Freddie & Stuart, a lot more work involved on the processing side, but the plus side is there are more options on how to make the data work for you, as you both know, cus Stuart your nearly there :grin: ! Thanks Robin im sure the weather will pick up soon for you.

Nice ones Simon! Since I'm going the same route (dmk 21) from a dbk21, what are your thoughts on the switchover to mono?

Hi Roger its been something ive wanted to do for a while but always been a bit warey of the extra work involved & MONEY lol :grin: but I do believe its the way to go after some dam good images with the dfk the only way to progress is mono!

Cheers :smiley:


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For a 9.25 SCT Simon your Green & Blue channels look almost as good as Red.

Are your filters parafocal ?

Should get some really good results with that setup.

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Very nice run Simon - wish I could get my blue channel looking that clean!

I went out last night and shot 6 runs at about 3800mm focal length, looked ok on screen during the capture but was too for the seeing and I think I will struggle to get one passable set out of the lot. I'll try again tonight, but drop back to 3000mm fl unless the seeing is dramatically improved.

At least I get a good 2-3 hours on target from my garden.

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Thanks Jake yes the blue channel seems to have come out quite well its the one that nearly always lets you down! Thanks Alan yea maybe I don't push my processing as much as I should sometimes!

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Congrats on first mono session Simon. Very decent it is too.

I had to send my ASI cam back and am awaiting a replacement. I just knew we would get clear skies when I didn't have the mono option!!!


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Congrats on first mono session Simon. Very decent it is too.

I had to send my ASI cam back and am awaiting a replacement. I just knew we would get clear skies when I didn't have the mono option!!!


Thanks Pete I think its the right move going mono carnt wait to try it out on Jupe, as I sure we all are!

Hope you get the cam sorted soon, sods law it happened when the seeing improved sometimes its just the way it goes mate!

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