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Is this Normal ?


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I have recently purchased a new 314+ mono and have just had a mess about with it on the few nights its been clear but have noticed a very dark gradient on the right hand side and a little on the top of all my subs is this normal ? or should i be talking to atik ?

This file has been converted to tiff and stretched in levels a little in PS



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Hi I have an atik 314L+ and think the gradient on the right may be banding and should be removable with a master bias (make sure the cooler is on when doing the bias frames)I have posted a copy of my master bias frame below where you can see the banding down the right side(use fits liberator to open).I don't know if this is normal but suspect it is as I have seen another post by a member who has this on their atik 314L+ but on the left side.


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Great Thanks Andyo for putting my mind at rest, i thought there may have been a problem :)

Do check it against your bias frames though to make sure because I am no expert

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