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Did I see Venus?

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At about 6:20pm local time I saw 3 bright stars on the west side. Were they Jupiter, venus & mercury? I was so excited that I turned on google sky map and point directly to them. There I saw Jupiter on the bottom left, Mercury on the top right, and Venus in between which is the most bright. Just like what I saw with bare eyes, correct me if I saw other than these planets.



SW 12" dob f/4.9 - Plossl 25mm, 10mm 1.25".






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Just got back from Cyprus (to rain and chills, sob!) where I saw this trio. At first (Sunday c8.30pm) they made a neat equilateral triangle but then it stretched out with Mercury(?) moving higher in the sky.

I didn't know what I was looking at initially but my trusty iPhone app set me straight and I was very excited - I even dragged my girls out of a kids club disco to see it (they aren't old enough to find me too embarrassing yet and seemed impressed for a few seconds)

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I'm thinking to bring my dslr out tonight & hunt for this special moment. Feeling so excited...



SW 12" dob f/4.9 - Plossl 25mm, 10mm 1.25".

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Another moment without dslr. . :(

Top left is Sirius. Middle right are the trio.



SW 12" dob f/4.9 - Plossl 25mm, 10mm 1.25".


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