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The Optic star diagonal is £70 new, is dielectric, is good quality, has a 1.25" adapter and a compression fitting. It doesn't have any branding on it and I suspect it comes from the same Chinese factory as most of the others.

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Revelation gets my vote ...... I have the quartz dieletric and the dielectic in 2" and I feel there is not a lot in it compared to my maxibright .. apart from a huge saving :grin: I would say in the future you might use 2" EP's so buying a 2" diagonal future proofs your gear.

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Thanks Kieth. I now have my 72mm Megrez, diagonal, WO bracket for my finder-guider, a TAL 3x Barlow on it's way, my 600D modded by Mel's wife and waiting to be collected, an Astrotrac waiting for a polarscope, a nice Canon 200mm F2.8 lens and now to wait for clear skies! I won't know what to use first!

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If you don't need a 2 inch for your EPs don't buy one. If you intend to get a super wide 2 inch EP (and you should!) do buy one. As for the quality, there is more blah blah blah per square inch on this subject than on any other. It is very hard to tell the difference between decent and stunning diagonals and a big spend would do better elsewhere. Or so I believe. I've had most of them, TV, Meade, WO and horrible SW (which isn't that horrible.)


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If you don't need a 2 inch for your EPs don't buy one. If you intend to get a super wide 2 inch EP (and you should!) do buy one. As for the quality, there is more blah blah blah per square inch on this subject than on any other. It is very hard to tell the difference between decent and stunning diagonals and a big spend would do better elsewhere. Or so I believe. I've had most of them, TV, Meade, WO and horrible SW (which isn't that horrible.)


A 2" diagonal can carry much heavier load than a 1.25", so there are situations when you need a 2" diagonal even if you don'y have 2" eyepieces.

1. Binoviewer - I have always hard trouble with my Baader Maxbright rotating in the focuser when I use a 1.25" WO diagonal, (Unfortunately it won't reach focus with my refractor with a 2", this problem was only solved when I bought a Baader prism with a 2" nosepiece)

2. Heavy 1.25" eyepiece with barlow - 8-24mm zoom + 2x Telextender is another setup I had problem with the 1.25" WO. A 1.25" compression ring simply isn't strong enough to stop it rotating.

I totally agree on your point about premium vs very good diagonals. However, sometimes expensive diagonal can have mechanical advantages over cheaper ones. e.g. Baader Clicklock and Televue single block constructions (so the nose piece wouldn't un-thread)

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Hey Alex. That is the one I was talking about. Mega money. It may be very good, but I bought a Baader 2" Quicklock visual back and my WO 2" Dielectric carbon diagonal for the same price as just the Baader diagonal. And as a bonus the WO diagonal comes supplied with a 2" to 1.25" converter as standard. You have to pay extra for the Baader 2" to 1.25" reducer.

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My best one is a Tele Vue Everbrite - all machined from a single piece of alloy and finished impeccably :smiley:

Very secure platform for eyepieces that weigh a couple of pounds.

Unfortunately they are £50 more again than even the Baader Quicklocks. Luckily I bought mine as a used bargain :smiley:

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Congratulations on buying a 2 inch diagonal, now you have one you really need a 2 inch eyepiece. it's a shame I am not in England, I think I am getting a 28mm SW with a scope that i am picking up tomorrow..


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Congratulations on buying a 2 inch diagonal, now you have one you really need a 2 inch eyepiece. it's a shame I am not in England, I think I am getting a 28mm SW with a scope that i am picking up tomorrow..


if its the 28mm nirvana you will sell it no problem alan

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