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Moon, 27th May


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As the Moon wasn't going to clear the barn roof until about 1:30am I was out and ready for it last night, watching the shadows move across the garden so I could be ready to go the moment it was clear allowing me time to get all the subs I wanted. The only real difficulty was the same as last night: keeping the image on the sensor given so few pixels to spare. It's all so much easier when the Moon is away from perigee :) The seeing looked pretty good -- perhaps unsurprising given quite how cold it was. I reckon the 450D runs as much as 5C warmer than the ambient air temperature when taking a long sequence of subs and APT still only said 13C after I'd been using the camera for several hours. Welcome to midsummer :(

Pain-free processing this morning and I'm quite happy with the end result. I did try tweaking the contrast slightly, but to my eye whilst it did enhance some of the detail on the eastern side there was a corresponding loss on the western side as shadowed features became harder to pick out so I've left it as it was.


120 frames of 1/200th @ ISO200, 450D & 127 Mak, preprocessed with PIPP, 48 frames stacked in Registax v6.


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That looks excellent James. It always amazes me the amount of detail you get out of full and nearly full Moons.

As our works broadband is slower than a snail on a go slow, I will have to wait until I get home to have a look at the full image.

Here's to clear skies & many hours of observation/imaging to come! emo30.gif

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