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Skywatcher Barlow

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I personally found the standard Skywatcher barlow awful to use, I upgraded almost straight away to the revelation 2.5x barlow & swapping between this and the skywatcher one there really is no contest.


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Hi Kris, If I recall correctly you were going to spend quite a bit on good eyepieces in you other posts, so perhaps consider buying something a bit better if you can afford it.

While the Sky-watcher Barlow gets the job done if you are a starter, I have that model myself, it is not as good a view in clarity as the eyepieces by themselves, I am finding the contrast suffers somewhat. I can do a fairly close comparison in my case using the 10 mm with that Barlow, the 6 mm I have which result in fairly similar magnification and notice a good deal of difference, that is all I can say about it. I can't say how much a good Barlow would improve that, others would be able to comment better.

Probably the way I would like to go myself would be to get rid of the Barlow and have the eyepieces cover the ranges I want in the long run. I often hear others say that too for visual they prefer eyepieces only, but again it is one of those topics I read about and opinions vary, because I have no clue what results you can get with a really good Barlow.

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I think the SW barlow either varies a bit in quality or is suited to some eyes more than others. I have one and am quite happy with it. I also have a Televue 2.5x barlow and while this is better (a bit sharper and with more contrast despite the higher magnification) it is not radically different. I have not used one of the mid-range barlows but to my eyes there is so little difference between the bottom and the top end, I am not going bother upgrading unless I go all the way and get a Powermate.

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Thanks guys its just I have seen YouTube videos of people looking at the moon with an 8inch dob and some of them the magnification is immense and others looks like there using a vivitar scope, I want to use it for everything from moon to DSO but I would like to see good detail on the moon when just starting out


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I can't post a pic so this is the list,

-skyliner 200p

-premium cheshire collimating EP

-baader neutral density moon filter

-celestron x cel lx 9mm EP

-skywatcher panaview 2" EP

-revelation astro 2.5x Barlow

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I should have added that in my case I did find it to actually work very nicely on the Moon and had some great views, but on fainter targets, even Saturn the differences became more noticeable, not quite as sharp overall and less contrast/clarity.

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I found it pretty good. I particularly liked the detachable lens cell. Could be used as a X2, x1.5 and an extension tube. Only issue was the locking screw. Upgraded to a twist-locking Barlow. Much kinder on EP barrels.

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