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pic of my new nagler


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Lovely eyepiece - one of the best Naglers IMHO :smiley:

How are you finding the Instajust feature ?

thanks for the confidence john, dont no how to use the instajust yet, will find out on first light, any tips ?

very nice, congrats. that 28mm nirvana is abit of a bomb !

the 28mm is real nice though

Nice eyepieces, some difference is size there. Let us know how you get on with those beans.........

those beans are giving us the high winds :grin:

Congrats on a fine purchase :-)

thanks damo cant wait for first light

lovely EP..lookin forward to its first light..

so am i, on nights now for to nights so it looks like sunday onwards when i can use it, weather permiting,will post on here, lovely looking ep though
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thanks for the confidence john, dont no how to use the instajust yet, will find out on first light, any tips ?....

I guess you will have found that the top section of the eyepiece moves up and down through a number of "click stops". The trick is simply to find the stop that suits you best by showing the full field of view but with no black outs / kidney beaning. Mine was a couple of stops down from the top position if I recall and I've found the same position works well for me with my newly acquired 4mm Radian (which also has Instajust) too.

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Still green and want one, it is a good deal larger than I thought it would be. I have the 12mm and really like the adjustable lift-up eyeguard which I think they have taken a step better on the Delos range.

It is a lovely eyepiece and I whish you had a sky that I have outside now to use it, good luck and I hope you enjoy it.


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i get it now, thanks john. whats that nylon washer for that comes with the nagler ?. it says something about eye position

Thats a pupil guide. The instructions that came with the eyepiece should explain how to use it, if you feel the need. Basically it's to help get your eye in the right place. I've never used the ones that came with my Tele Vues to be honest.

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Nice eyepiece Mike - bigger than I thought it would be. The washer goes inside the eyecup to guide your eye to the correct viewing position - I have them on my Radians but only tried it once and figured I ought to be able to work out where the sweet spot is without it. I await your first light report with anticipation. :)

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