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West Midlands

Anyone in the Lichfield/Tamworth area...?


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Hi all,

Newbie in Whittington near Lichfield looking for astro types for chat and viewing meets. Wondering who else at SGL is close by...?

Also looking for good dark sites around this area. Rural and agricultural so hope there are some good dark spots bot too far away.

All the best,


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Hi Dean, I live in Tamworth which is not far from you at all. I have found a decent dark sky site near where we are. Its near a place called Hoar Cross. The few times ive been I have parked up in a layby which was ok but had lorries thundering past at 50mph literally 4 feet away from me, but there are quieter areas around there that would be better I think. There are a few people on sgl that live around here like in the Sutton Coldfield and Bassetts Pole area that I think would be interested in an observing group so we should get our heads together and get something sorted. Clear Skies. Ian

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Hello Ian, thanks for the response and the information. I must look up Hoar Cross as I'm not familiar with that location.

It sounds like a good idea to get an observing group sorted in our area as there must be some good secluded spots in amid all the farm land around our way.

Not sure how to go about enlisting others from Bassetts Pole or Sutton areas to discuss the creation of an observing group. Do you have any thoughts on that?

All the best,


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Hi Paul, good to hear from you. What I plan to do is just send a few private messages out to see if anyone is interested in meeting for observing sessions and if anybody knows any good sites around here. A lot of people seem interested in this area so think we may get some takers. Hopefully we can get a good mix of newbies and old hands who are willing to exchange tips and recommendations. I f you know anybody/good observing sites let me know. Ian

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ian, cant do tonight I'm afraid, granddaughters birthday bash. Had to send my bins back due to missaligned tubes. Soon as I get new ones (Quantum 4 20x90 or Revelation 20x100 not sure yet) I'll give you a shout.

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Hello all, I went out last night for a bit of an observation site search and have found a layby that Is set back from the road in one of the darkest spots in the midlands according to a light pollution map. Its near a village called Yoxall near Burton, about 25 mins from Tamworth! Is anyone interested in coming along to see what they think? Ian

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Hi Ian, Would love to come along and check it out but havn't got a free night till next week.( such a busy social life - yeh right!) got my new bins today from Sherwoods with help from an astronomer of many years experience. Small snag is I need a straight mount adapter (instead of the L shaped) for these giant bins but Orion want £34 for a straight bit of ally with a 1/4 thumbwheel and two holes. I am hoping a chap at HOEAS can make one for me. I went for the the 25x100 Celestrons in the end as they were the only ones that went down the IPD of my squinty shifty close together eyes! Of course its cloudy tonight, so I cant try them out - typical. Will let you know when I know my free nights and hopefully get together and have a pootle over there.

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"First Light" was Saturn on Thursday night at HOEAS with a darker sky than I get at home. Well impressed with new binos but very heavy. Hoping to get outside tonight and see what I can find. No chance of Saturn from here though, too many trees in the way (and a street lamp). Perhaps we can organise a trip out one night next week Ian.


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hi. Im free tonight, tomorrow night and Friday night this week. Im thinking of going up yoxall tonight actually as one of my friends has just phoned and he would be interested in going to have a look and you are more than welcome to join us if you fancy it. Ian

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no send a private message if you are giving out personal info just in case. Where in tamworth do you live? Could choose a pub car park or something near to both of us in tamworth. Probabley meet about 11 so its getting dark.

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hi everyone. So Paul and i checked out the layby in yoxall on Monday night and i think the general consensus was its a decent site with dark skies. It was a little cloudy but i know it is dark there as i have been to a site very close to this which is not as safe so would be no good. This site from Monday though is quiet, separated from the road and out of the way so seems to be unpopular with other nocturnal activities. Only downside is that its about 25 mins north of tamworth which may be a bit of a trek for some. But maybe thats the price of a dark sky. So anyone interested in coming along? Ian

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Fellow Astronomers,

I am in Tamworth and have loved Astronomy for nearly 30 years.

I decided to treat myself after a decent refractor and the a 4.5"  reflector and went to the top of my dream list.

I bought a Meade LX200 12" EMC last week with two Meade S4000 9.7mm & 26mmSP eyepieces.

Used once and saw M13 using the 26mm super plossl.

I took a sharp intake of breath and froze.. Transfixed at the depth, colour & sharpness WoW. I knew this scope was good but wow.!

So now it is time for the months looking out of galactic plane and time for some great deep sky observation.

However, I am still collating data for the PERFECT eyepiece for Jupiter which will be high and bright for months.

So far, I am sold on the Pentax XW 5mm Ortho. I want the best one for Jupiter & Saturn later on.

Any advice welcome as all so far have said try before you buy..

Therefore, local meetings or eyepiece borrowing, I am here for anything happening.

Nice to join & meet you all at last.

Fingers crossed for a clear Sunday night! (Will be 2nd use after purchase).


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