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ES 82*30mm or Meade UWA 30mm @F/4.7

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Good luck with the new Dob Steve - not tempted by that 14.6" F5.2 Darkstaron ABS then?

Cheers mate, I'm tempted, my girlfriend isnt :rolleyes: She's going to have kittens when the 12" that ive told her is only a 'tiny' bit bigger than the 200p lands thru the door & possibly even less impressed when its followed by the 30mm ES :grin: ('Visual is sooooo much cheaper than AP sweetheart' :rolleyes: )
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It was very interesting to read the difference in findings between Stargazer00 and Dude with a Tube, much the same scopes and much the same eyepieces. Now is this different mirrors from a speed or quality point of view: Different eyepieces ( not that I really believe that one ) or our eyes just see things in a different way. There is a distinct possibility that it could be all three. Any members care to comment? Alan.

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I'm guessing it's just personal preference. I can't talk for dude but for me the double cluster with that eyepiece in that scope shows horrific coma but point it at pretty much anything else and it all but disappears. That is a great object for testing an eyepiece.

That 14.6" Darkstar would be a beast by the way. I got offered a slightly smaller 14" recently too. There was some rumor that it was a David Hinds mirror in them all and that they were produced at 1/8th PV. I did email David but haven't had a repsonse yet, his PA said she would ask and get back to me.

As it turns out I dropped that deal anyway and expect to be taking delivery of a spanking new 14" flextube some point mid week next week instead. Not bad considering I started saving 3 weeks ago.. sold off a bunch of stuff and had a small unexpected windfall again!

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When I was 20 back in 1976, I made a 12inch scope and David Hind corrected my mirror, he said I had done a decent job but maybe he was being nice. Good luck with the 14 inch, I fancy something up that way but would surely be killed by my wife, lets get the collection of eyepieces hid away first. Alan

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You really would have a funny walk trying to smuggle a 14" dob in as well :D

My wife is already making noise about me getting another scope. Can't wait to see her face when this one turns up, she calls me 10" "HUGE"

I'm going to take a photo of her face when she walks into the room with the boxes.

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Yes it would be a site to behold as I was thinking of something around 16 inches, like you a jump of 4 inches. I think I may well be made to jump higher than that if I were caught. Things of this size can't be smuggled in under a coat, not even sure I could carry it in any case. I really fancy one of the custom made Sumerian scopes from Holland, they seem to tick all the right boxes for me. If I were to this the 12 inch would have to go and that in itself is not easy where I live. Even though I have the packing shipping it to England would be out of the question due to courier costs, so it would collect dust or I would have to do some more building, these bigger scopes are not really very easy to move as I am getting older. Alan.

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i am in the same boat as Graham,it will be either 14 or 16" dob as my next scope.I already told the wife that i dont want any presents for my upcoming birthday and I will do the "small" present myself what she sort of agreed... the only issue i have is that she and my sons also participate in my observations and fully manual dob will be an issue.so i will need atliest one with tracking.Dont need the goto,but if it comes with one i will not say NO :D Alternative is to keep the 10" i have on goto and pass it over to them for use

Same as Alan I really like the looks of the Sumarian dobs but they are quite costly with all the drums and whistles.Other alternative i looked at was the Hubble Optics 16 or 18" ones.Very light,very portable and relatively fair priced.understandably there will be import duties to be paid and i have read a very mixed reviews on them.it is either hit or miss.But i have time until late october to make my mind up.

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I'm saving a sumerian for when I retire or something. Need to have a long time pipe dream. I've decided the 14" is the scope for me based on a number of factors. I dont plan to ever own a 16".

Any scope after this one will either be higher quality or much much bigger and permanently set up in an obsy.

I am hoping that my fever will be cured next week.

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I am hoping that my fever will be cured next week.

Though you can treat the symptons and gain temporary relief, I suspect the only lasting cures for AF are; death, the infermities of old age, or a prematurely knackered back (from hefting monster dobs).

I'd have jumped at that Darkstar, but for the two M's (Money and Misses) ;)

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I use a 30mm ES 82* in a 250mm Dob and like it a lot. I don't find the coma too offecsive in the 250mm. I have a 400mm F4.5 and the coma is quite noticeable. I have a GSO CC and that cleans it up very nicely but find with the CC, the extension tube and the big EPs. it turns into a baseball sticking (as John says) out of the OTA. Sometimes I use the CC, sometimes I don't. I was naively dissapointed when I got the ES 20mm 100* to find distortions, which was coma, and then got the CC. Now the coma is almost completely gone. Sooooo, I suppose in summary, I found the 30mm very good in the 250mm F5, not looking washed out at all, but I do have decent NELM 5.6 skies, with noticeable coma in the 400mm F4.5. It depends on whether coma bothers you. You'll get that with TVs anyway. Not sure if the above helps, hope it does.


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CAN WE ALL STOP TALKING ABOUT EVEN BIGGER SCOPES PLEASE.......My brains starting to tick over thinking a 12" might not cut it :grin: I suppose if i did go for a 14 or even a 16 it would double as a sleeping 'bag' when my girlfriend shows me the door. :rolleyes:

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I'm going to IAS at the weekend and will see 12" and 16" in the flesh. Im really hoping 12" looks like it's too big for me as it'll save me a packet not buying the 14" and getting a 12" instead.

on the other hand I hope a 16" doesn't look managable :D

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to be perfectly honest,i am a bit afraid of the skywatcher 400p as it does look simply "HUGE".i have been watching this video:

i think about 20 times now,but i still want it lol.the only proper downside to this is that i will deffo need a ladder to get up to the EP once the scope is close to vertical and i am not a particular fan of this and i find it scary,specially when you need to clime the ladder in the middle of the field.what happens if you lose balance? you end up diving into the scope lool?

so from commercially built scopes i might go for the 350p or orion optics 14" ,but i am still seriously considering Hubble Optics 16" or even 18" as they construction is made so that you can observe still standing on the mother earth without the need of the ladders.also there is a significant difference in weight and size of the construction in both scopes with clear advantage of hubble`s being able to brake down to literally nothing and i do like that idea a lot.

regardless,i will wait until october to see what finances i can raise and then make my mind up.

Graham,as you will be in IAS,can you please do a few pics of 12;14 and 16" scopes in comparison to lets say yourself.and either send them to me or post them up here.I dont have the possibility to visit anything like that due to work commitments currently and would highly appreciate if you could do a favour.And of course,i wish you clear skies with the scope you go for.still i would say go for 14" as a minimum to feel the difference in viewing.

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CAN WE ALL STOP TALKING ABOUT EVEN BIGGER SCOPES PLEASE.......My brains starting to tick over thinking a 12" might not cut it :grin: I suppose if i did go for a 14 or even a 16 it would double as a sleeping 'bag' when my girlfriend shows me the door. :rolleyes:

according to the review of the 400P the boxes should ideally fit as a house or as a minimum:bedroom for 1 person in full comfort :D

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It's a tough choice bud !

I find my 12" lightbridge on the limit of portability. For my next (bigger) scope I will be looking fro a lightweight design, as you know.

By all accounts, a 14" SW is about the same size as a 16" LB ... I saw a 16" SW at scope n skies, OMG it's HUGE....and the Upper tube doesn't detach from the lower tube.

Shame Meade don't do a 14 LB that would probably still be portable enough..just

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