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eqmod with eqtooth


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I have been using EQtooth with my HEQ6 for about 2 years now, works great one less wire between mount and laptop. I also use it with Skysafari on my android phone and ipad using wifiscope loaded on the laptop. Wifi link between phone/ pad and laptop then Bluetooth from laptop to mount. I find it easier using Skysafari on the pad than using the mount handset or sitting over the laptop using Stellarium. I have been reading your video mod posts with interest, I've just done the filter removal so far might try the cooling fan next.

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Thanks for heads up no a lit on this mod.great you've had it working a while...the camera mod has stalled a bit not being able to test it out..been having bother focussing with a ed80 and weather killed me testing on 8" reflector. Definitely going to introduce the Peltier to it....Davy

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Got the eqtooth fired up on laptop. ..few probs..the dongle would note sync when pairing tried another Bluetooth adapter and bingo change a few settings and set up in eqmod and Cartes de ciel....what can I say....brilliant what a bit of kit I'm chuffed to bits ...this has got to best upgrade to my kit....I'm totally loved up...this is a must buy/ set up for your scope talk about a kid wae new toy ....55 pounds off ebay get the wallets out this is brilliant. .......Davy

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......or If you have basic soldering skills you can save yourself a few quid and build an EQDirect-BT yourself for around a tenner! - instructions are on the EQMOD Project website (also the Australian IceInSpace site has several threads on this).


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