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Rosette Neb Caldwell 49


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This is my first attempt at the Rosette Nebula taken over two nights in feb 2013

I have built my setup specifically for targets like the Rosette Neb but end up not having alot of time on it this year due to badweather the moon and life in general !.

Only 3 hours worth of 10 min shots at 800iso with my mod cannon 1100 with Idas filter shotting into the murk of my lovley orange glow that i have to the south of me.

I used DSS and mainly startools to process this image which i have to say im quite enjoying for DSLR ! it will be intresting to see how well it works for a astro ccd when i eventually get one.

This is about my 15 attempt to process this image and am now at a happy enough stage to show it too you. ( i think my wife got a little bored of it by about the 4th showing :) )

Any hints or tips gratefully received.


Thanks for looking Nick

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....but end up not having alot of time on it this year due to badweather the moon and life in general !.


Lovely image - thanks for sharing. The Rosette is a fantastic nebula- I never tire of seeing it. Know what you mean about the weather, moon and time in general. It all adds up to make this a frustrating hobby. But when you get an a great image like this it makes up for the bad days.

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Very nice result, and lovely processing. All the detail is ther but it has a soft quality to it, which I like a lot.



Thank you RobH , thats the only trouble with dslr i end up having to soften the image down alot as im always combating the noise .

I just cant wait when i can eventually afford a 314+ or maybe a 428 still unsure which way to go, but either way it will be mono !

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