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Tele Vue line of eyepieces for new EdgeHD 800/iOptron ieq30

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I'm considering the following kit to start off with once I purchase the EdgeHD 800/iOptron ieq30 (which seems to be the most portable of EQ setups).

31mm Nagler

10mm * 14mm Delos

21mm Ethos

Powermate 2x

Unfortunately the total cost of everything I've itemized exceeds my budget so I may have to resort to purchasing them second hand.

I could also go all cheep and get only plossl eyepieces but I dont' know, the above seems more fun. :)

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The Classifieds section of the "Cloudynights" forum would seem your best bet for placing a "wanted" advert I reckon. You could also consider Astromart but they have a subscription fee I think.

Good luck with finding them :smiley:

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That is a very impressive first purchase and rather expensive. I have or have had all of these, I no longer have the 10mm Delos which is outstanding in every way and it is the only eyepiece of these I have used. The others are sitting in a case awaiting transport back home. The X2 powermate is also as good as they come. This is a range of eyepiece that few if any will say a bad word against, maybe the only one being, cost. This is a set-up many would love.

You could always go for the 20mm Nagler to reduce the spend, still an excellent EP and almost half price secondhand as there have been a few on the market of late.

I don't think I need say more.


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To me they are worth the cost but it is a large one. Your scope will be F10 and is somewhat forgiving to eyepieces, the same from Explore Sc will not disappoint I am sure and in this case you would save enough to buy an 80mm ED refractor, probably a very good one.


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I own most of those EPs and the 2x Powermate. They are all fantastic. As Alan says, the only bad thing is the cost. But now I have them I could never go back to "lesser EPs." Perhaps you could attempt to build the collection more slowly and buy just a few now and grow them as you build up further cash reserves?

If we take a look at that scope, it is 203mm aperture at f/10. You really have some duplication with the 31mm Nagler and 21mm Ethos. Not so much in magnification achieved (66x and 97x respectively) but in actual fields of view. The Nagler has 1.2 degree and Ethos 1.0 degree. Rather similar and at these low magnification I am not sure I would want two EPs so close together, certainly not at that cost with budget considerations on top.

I would argue that the 14mm and 10mm are pretty good choices on achieved magnification and fields of view (I own both of those myself and cannot sing their praises highly enough).

Turning our attention to the Powermate, do you really need it right now? If you Powermate the Ethos, it will be pretty much the same magnification as the 10mm Delos (though with a larger field). Using the 2x with 10mm Delos will yield 406x mag which you will find atmospheric conditions will rarely, if ever, let you use.

So perhaps, you can achieve the same results without buying all of these right now. Something to think about at least...

Clear skies,

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I don't think I'm able to access the classifieds section until I hit 50 posts or something to that effect :) But yeah, this isn't really an advertisement, I just want to ensure I'll get my money's worth.

You need 250 posts to place an advert on this forums classifieds section.

There is the UK Astro Buy & Sell website, which is free to join:


Bear in mind that UK prices, even for used equipment, tend to be more expensive than you can find in the USA.

There is a Canadian version of Astro Buy & Sell which might be more useful to you:


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Have you considered the Edge HD 8 combined with the Advanced VX mount? It's barely any heavier and bought together saves you around $600! I really like the look and feel of the iOptron stuff, but it's pricey, and feedback so far on the AVX is generally positive (biggest criticism is coffee grinder noise at highest slew rate)

On the eyepiece front... any of the TV EPs will work very nicely in the 8, but you should consider what objects you wish to view before plonking your cash down. For example, a 10mm Delos or Pentax XW would be nice for planetary, then something around 13 or 14mm in an 82 degree (or 100) for sucking in globs, etc. and for wide field, you can save the money on the beastly Ethos or mega Nagler by buying an 80-or-so mm refractor and use the shorter FL EPs. Or just get something like the Astro Titan II 40mm, or TMB Paragon if you can find one on the used market. And a pair of binoculars :cool:

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