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2008 to 2013 Saturn Comparison


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In 2008, I was using a much more powerful 11 inch reflector telescope, a low grade capture device - ToUcam and an image aligning and stacking program called Registax.

I really had no clue what I was doing, but was pretty excited to even get the rings of Saturn. Registax was a confusing muddle of wavelets, gamma and other things I find hard to understand.

Today, I have a less powerful, but good quality refractor telescope, a much better capture device (DBK618) and still no idea how to use Registax.

I had a go a few nights ago and tried processing in Registax and here's the interesting part.....even with no idea, I just played with sliders and stuff until I got something worth looking at, which I must say was as suprising as it was shocking to me that it turned out as well as it did. I'm not sure how much better it would be if I knew what I was doing, but I'm sure there would be some improvement at least.

So, without further ado, I present to you my dismal 2008 attempt, and today's proper first-light processed image through the new rig.

1. Pathetic


2. Showing enough promise to keep me going.


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I think they look fantastic, especially the the second. It just takes a couple weeks of messing around with registax to get a handle on what you can and can't do. My first 20 attempts were fuzzy blobs, so it just takes patience. :)

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I think they look fantastic, especially the the second. It just takes a couple weeks of messing around with registax to get a handle on what you can and can't do. My first 20 attempts were fuzzy blobs, so it just takes patience. :)

That's encouraging.

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