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Solar observation filters transmission. Help.

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Hello guys, im new to the formun and im a apsolute beginer in filters and optics and things like that.

So, im currently working on high-school project on how to determinate temperature of suns spots. Now, im programming in C++ a little bit and im doing fine, but the one thing i can't find on the internet is datasheet of solar filters transmission. I dont need a filter that pass only one spectral line, i need a filter with continuum of 100-200 nm (higher or lower is ok, but this is just fine), and in the range of 200-2000 nm. So can somebody help me and direct me to one of these sites that have solar filters datasheets, i founded something like this http://www.sonnen-fi...1/BAA-rot-G.gif , and that's ok, but i need that in .txt with tab, coma or space separated file.


nm %

650 80

651 80.4

652 81.26

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Welcome to SGL!

There's no "data sheets" I've come across so far.

The site you've hit has one of the best collections of transmission graphs....

Note: not all commercial filters give information beyond 1200nm - this being the general limit for CCD sensitivity.

In the library area of Solar Chat, we do have many graphs for various filters.


Hope this helps.

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