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Saturn 5th may-13


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Good images Simon.

Im just down the road from you and although I only did visual work last night the sky did seem a little creamy (if thats the right description) through the eyepiece. No idea if that's normal for this time of the year. A bit like the moon was up. I sound like a right newbie (which I am) hehe so sorry if its a daft observation. :embarrassed:

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Looks like we're all waiting for that improvement in the seeing that makes nice sharp images possible. There's still plenty to see in those two though.


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I think we're going to struggle for a while now the wind is back in the SW direction again , that last little break when the wind was steady and from the NE was what we need repeating.

Some nice detail in there considering . . .

I waited til 00:30 last night for the clouds to clear , only to be greeted by Saturn and Spica trying to outdo each other in the 'twinkling' stakes ... !

Went to bed ... :rolleyes:

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Very nice i like color images a prefer mono ,what does pipp do is the a tute any were or a how to fpr pipp


Thanks Pat, Pipp- planetary preprocesser enables you to crop & sort in order of quality your avis before loading them into registax- AS!2 for stacking, not sure if there are any tutes but is availible as a free download & user friendly too!

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Hi and thanks keep say in am gonna have a try i ran a few avi's the other day in it,but was not sure what to do with it and i put a thousand frames in,and got. Thousand frames out so not sure if it did any thing will have a look for some tues some were


hopefully should get some thing tonight as we have it forcast clear fingers crossed

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It's tough with the elevation you have up there Simon but still worthwhile going out and trying.....even "down" here things don't necessarily pan out the way we'd like: Winter weather coming in and lots of constant cloudy nights lately - but like you we still go out and hope for a break.....except the night before last it didn't happen and in fact we had to scramble out of the caravan and cover the scope up when light rain started falling in the dry Mallee Country we were in...

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