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Full Disc Lunar Imaging with a DSLR

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That's a very good effort, I'd say.  I'm wondering, just looking at the image, if we're seeing quite a bit more of the western limb than usual at the moment.  Though it might well just be that I'm seeing quite a bit more of the Moon than has been usual over the last six months :D


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This is my effort following the initial posts instructions - it is the best shot of the moon I have managed so thank you for the post! The only difference was i had to significantly reduce the exposure (to 1/2500, iso200) but I guess that is due to my scope being 200mm.

Full Moon 20140316

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This is my effort following the initial posts instructions - it is the best shot of the moon I have managed so thank you for the post! The only difference was i had to significantly reduce the exposure (to 1/2500, iso200) but I guess that is due to my scope being 200mm.

That's a very nice image :)

Experimenting with the exposure times is definitely worthwhile.  I'm not sure there can be any hard and fast rules.  I am currently (from memory) using 1/500th @ ISO200, but I have to use a mirror lockup delay otherwise I get ghosting in the image because of the vibration caused by the mirror moving.


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  • 2 years later...

Dear Mod team ,

Would it be possible to have this excellent tutorial 'pinned' in the "Imaging - Lunar" forum , would make it much easier to find when required ... same with Roger's great starter thread on "Simple Solar Imaging" in the "Imaging - Solar" section ... :happy10:

It's a crying shame that great threads like these get buried amongst the rest.

Regards ,


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A great thread from before me joining SGL. I would only add:

I found iso 1600 gives good results with the 450D on the moon - the very short exposure helps  cut through bad seeing. I found a site somewhere that showed that 1600 is actually very low noise on the 450D but all cameras are not the same.

I use AS!2 instead of registax for the moon, it seems to give better results although Regitax is usually better for the sun.

I sharpen in Astra Image usually, registax does work well but more controls makes it harder or figure out what is happening.

White rings usually mean over-sharpening, I sharpen until they appear than back off, but Registax has a de-ringing feature that can help get rid of them.

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  • 6 years later...

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