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M63 Sunflower Galaxy via C11


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Hi, I am new to this forum!

Here is a processed image of M63 Sunflower galaxy.

AP setup: C11 EdgeHD SCT, 0.7x reducer, OAG, G11-Gemini2 mount, and ST-8300M with filter wheel. I started with this setup this past January and like what it can do for a portable setup one can carry outside when the skies are clear.

Image details: SBIG ST-8300M ccd; 3.5 hours total exposure - Lum 10 minutes exposure x11, plus Ha RGB 7.5 min exposure x15. Image was binned x2 and cropped. Also still learning as I go now using Photoshop CS2 to process images.



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Welcome to SGL Paul. Nice detail in the luminence. The colour is a bit iffy with quite a lot of green. There's a great PS plug in which can sort out all sorts of green problems called HLVG

I will try HLVG.



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