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Newt Diffraction spikes and optical flares

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So I'm trying to ascertain if what I've seen lately is an inherent newt trait, an eyepiece trait or something wrong with my eyes.

I've noticed when looking at Jupiter (brightest object I've looked at to date) at lower powers, say 70x or less when it is nothing more than a tiny pea in the field, when it is dead central in the field the diffration spikes of the spider look much brighter. If I move my head around the brightness seems to flare and illuminate up the channel of the diffraction spike so I can see a huge bright line. This is when my head is not perfectly placed. If my head wobbles a little I see little flares leading into the diffraction spikes equal to the brightness of the planet's disc. If I hold my head squared to the eyepiece there is no such flaring, just the usual hue of the spikes.

I haven't put in other eyepieces (brands not focal lengths) to check this because I couldnt be bothered to walk to the shed to get my other eyepieces out. I just noticed it the other day randomly viewing around the sky looking for something between the clouds. I never usually look at planets at such low powers.

In higher powers, or normal planetary magnifications, I dont see this at all. I usualy look at jupiter no less than 140x

It also seemed alot more present in the 10" than the 6", I'm guessing due to the light grasp Jupiter is just much brighter.

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I did start to see the spikes on bright objects when I had laser surgery about 8 years ago actually. It was noticable at the time but I dont notice it anymore. I occasionally see spikes in objects but a blink or two and it's gone. It's quite possible that this is masking optical defects in the eyepices. I dont tend to notice coma or anything much.

In this instance the behaviour of the light flaring within the diffraction spikes only makes me think it's related to the equipment rather than my eye though.

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I've never had laser surgery, but it get this occasionally too!

Only on the bright objects and only with specific eyepieces curiously enough.

Doesn't happen all the time and as you have said, if I am spot on looking straight down the EP I don't get it.

I'd assumed it was a bit of both, my eyes not getting on with a particular configuration of glass, but what do I know! :grin:


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