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Decisions, decisions....What to buy?

Obi Wan

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I would appreciate peoples' opions on this pleasant dilemma. After receiving some vouchers (around £150) for my birthday I am looking to buy a few pieces for my telescope.

1. I would like to get a nebula filter - would a UHC be best as my telescope is only 5"? Once that's determined, which would be the best one as there are several available from £40 - £90.

2. Should I buy a new star diagonal for the telescope- have upgraded the eyepieces but wondering if this would help too? If so, again, which would be best. Should I stick to a Skywatcher as that is the make of my telescope or like eyepieces does it not matter?

Want to make the best purchases possible to make sure the vouchers are put to good use.

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There are a few objects that you just can't see without a filter like a UHC or an O-III which is why I keep the latter in my eyepiece case. It does not get a lot of use granted but for a few nebulae it makes a massive difference, including the Veil nebula which is, in my opinion, the most spectacular nebula after M42 (the Orion Nebula) but only if you have a UHC or O-III filter (or a massive scope and pitch black skies).

In terms of getting the most benefit from your £150 though, and assuming that you have just the standard eyepieces that came with the scope, I agree with estwing that quality eyepiece(s) would be the best use for it.

Upgrading the star diagonal can bring some improvements but would be lower down my list than eyepieces or a filter.

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My vouchers are for Rother Valley. I have upgraded the original eyepieces and now have Celestron X-cel 10mm and 25mm, a baader hyperium 8mm and a celestron omni 32mm. I also have a Baader moon and skyglow filter (neodymium). For the last year I have looked mainly at the moon, planets and double stars but recently I looked at M42 and it just amazed me. so I would like to try and have a look at a few mores DSO's. I appreciate that my telescope is not best suited for these objects so was wanting to make sure it would be worth while buying before taking the plunge.

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You're actually in a good position then in my opinion. A uhc filter would compliment your setup. A dielectric diagonal would consume your budget and not deliver much improvement in my view. If Probably squeeze an eyepiece between the 25 and 10. The 14mm es 82 is a great eyepiece and could sit there nicely.

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