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Oh my life, it's like a cannon! Clouds inbound!

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Kind friend has lent (or rather asked me to look after) an SW 300P on an EQ6.

I'm trying very hard not to swear. IT'S HUUUUUGE!!!! Views though it last night were jaw dropping. M13 looked exactly like its photo and the propeller was visible, M51 was massive and beautiful, particularly when I took a single

30s exposure - and got spiral arms in the result! Crazy! Saw things I've never seen before - more stars in M42 trapezium and first time Ghost of Jupiter and the shadow of Saturn upon its rings. Throw in a few more galaxies and M42 like I've never seen it before and that's one stunning night.

What really struck me though was the EQ6. At first I balked at its size, absolutely dwarfing my EQ5. I struggled a bit with alignment but to be fair I didn't read the instructions. However when it began to move it really was a beautiful site. The enormous scope slewed around with lovely grace and precision, and I was stunned with the set-up's smoothness and simplicity of use.

OK so this lot might cost £1600ish new, but boy would it be worth it. My friend is going to struggle to get me to give it back! Time to emigrate methinks..... :)

Posted via Tapatalk on an ageing iPhone so please excuse any erroneous spellings or accidental profanities!

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And this is your experience from going from a 10" to a 12"? I was considering this upgrade but as it's only a 44% more light grasp upgrade many advised it would probably be anti climatic, so i've been thinking about a 14" flextube or VX14 from OO instead.

EDIT:...which is a 98% light grasp upgrade.

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Well my 10" is from about 1985 and has lost a lot if its coating, but yes it was still a massive jump. Also the mirror of my 10" isn't actually 10". Not quite sure how they got away with selling it as such but it's actually about 9.25" in a 10" tube!

An excellent experience though, massively enhanced by ease of use with the EQ6

Posted via Tapatalk on an ageing iPhone so please excuse any erroneous spellings or accidental profanities!

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Not bad last night actually. I first went to Saturn when it was still on the horizon so it was a bit wobbly early on, but otherwise a fairly good night. Aber and Borth giving me LP troubles of course, but what's new?

Posted via Tapatalk on an ageing iPhone so please excuse any erroneous spellings or accidental profanities!

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Sounds like a great setup. Lots of nay-sayers think 12" on an EQ6 is too big. I get on okay with a big scope on an EQ6.

It certainly takes a bit of managing and I can see wind being an issue, but on a calm night I can see loads of potential. I think it will probably take a load of practice, and I'll need to keep the weight down. Still have 2 smaller scopes as well though!

Posted via Tapatalk on an ageing iPhone so please excuse any erroneous spellings or accidental profanities!

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Agreed, although unfortunately I have to downgrade my puck and saddle to make my little scope fit! An Obsy beckons... :)

Posted via Tapatalk on an ageing iPhone so please excuse any erroneous spellings or accidental profanities!

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