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New EP & Clear skies!

kenny k

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Finally took the plunge and bought myself a decent eyepiece to compliment my 250pds this week.I placed my order tue's morning and less than 48 hrs later a 10mm Tele-vue delos arrives at doorstep,top marks to Telescope House as ist the first time ive used them.

I really do have to stop looking thru scopes that belong to people with expensive tastes:)

Last nights forcast did what it said it would & i was blessed with clear skies all nite so setup and PA went well and was'nt long before i enjoyed pin sharp views of jupiter, M42,M81&82,M13 was mesmerising plus many more to mention.

These EP's produce an inky black backround which has upped my viewing experience to another level and now its gonna cost me to add to collection:)

I look forward to tonite with forcast looking good so hope you fellow stargazers enjoy some too.



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I see you have the ET82* 4.7mm. How often do you use it & would I be likely to get much benefit buying one rather than the BST 5mm for my SW200. I've currently got the ET82* 6.7mm & 14mm on order from the States?

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Haven't had much chance to use it to be honest having acquired them all very recently. Ive had about 2 hours with them all so far. Not enough even for a report

I had a 5mm BST and still bought it. I doubt I'll use it as much as the 6.7 but I'll use enough to warrant owning it. I don't want to use a Barlow so I need it in my opinion! Going to get a 30mm next month then done with eyepieces for a bit :)

I plan to do a full review of all the eyepieces once I've had enough time to get familiar with them and devise a proper way to compare and examine them.

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Will look forward to the review. Eyepiece 'wanting' certainly doesn't take long to show itself does it?

No. Very soon you want eyepieces that will allow your scope to really show what it can do. The supplied ones just can't do that.

The Delos is one of the very best around at the moment though. They are the sort of eyepiece that lasts a lifetime of observing and will work well with any scope you might own in the future.

Virtually everything else will seem slightly less good I'm afraid and you will start thinking of ways you can move to a comparable quality with all your eyepiece focal lengths. Thats why it's a slippery slope :rolleyes2:

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Congratulations on the new eyepiece. Telescope House are very good indeed. The trouble you have now is you will want more and sadly they don't come with the more cereals as a give away and I have never seen buy one get one free.

I have the 10mm Delos but have just sold it to a site member as I went for the Ethos 10mm, I don't know if I have done the right thing this is how good it was.


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Thanks Michael & Alan

Alan ,i saw your ad in classifieds and was very tempted but just could'nt wait;)

what with bank hols & a trip to galloway coming up next week.

Your right this ep is for lifep and will produce every time in other scopes.


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