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One for all you TeleVue fans

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Astronomy Now this month has a 5 page article about Ethos & Delos eyepieces.

Probably isn't telling you anything most of you dont already know but it's perhaps something to make you enjoy what you have a little more :)

I get AN direct to my iPad. I thought this article was an advertising feature when I first glanced at it. In retrospect, it's clearly a review that gives the EPs the review they deserve, but I'd add that like most magasine reviews, you need to balance it against the feedback you get on forums like this.

Magazines do not have the room, nor the remit, to delve into the limitations of individual requirements, to the depth that online forums can. They publish their results within their limits, but as a reviewer in a different world, I tend to read magazine reviews with a lot more circumspection. This comes from having reviewed products that have had previous magazine reviews, but as an on-line reviewer, I have reached very different conclusions with my less constrained remit.

AN's review is a good one, but it needs balancing against the experience of users, so it's not an absolute statement of anything.


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Oh absolutely, I expect very little from any magazine review. I said in the first post that it probably wouldnt tell you anything other than what you already knew but might make you feel good if you own these eyepieces already. I own neither of these, in fact no TV products at all, and I feel based solely on the information ive read on SGL I could've written the article. As you say they have to be quite generic to appeal to a wider audience.

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It's a pity that it's not a bit more analytical than that. Tele Vue are expensive items and folks need some critical feedback on them to help them decide whether the investment is worth making. I'm a big fan of TV products but they are not perfect and there will be some who they will not suit.

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Well I am sorry I have now read and I believe in part it was made up.

1 where he got sky so clear to write a review in the first place. 2 Why print advice that the use of over X600 magnification with the 4.7mm E on the same scope as mine is even possible, I find even X300 a stretch here and I am sure many members agree X250 is a UK upper limit maybe a bit more but not 600!

I think this was telling us nothing we didn't already know in that Televues are fine eyepieces, in my opinion John for one writes better and more detailed reviews, I am pleased I didn't pay good money to read this.


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I've not tried that one, may have a look. This month was my last delivery of AN. I found getting S@N and AN every month a bit too much. Just going to get S@N from now on.

I also get Sky at Night I have that delivered the others I get if and when I see them All about Space is new ish out this month is number 10 issue if anyone is thinking of going for a Goto scope they should give it a read advice on a Telescope Celestron 5SE what you can see ect
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I just bought a copy from WHSmith today. I feel the TV Delos article was more like an advert than a review. It sounded like a 20mm eye relief wide angle was a Televue innovation and completely failed to mentioned the Pentax XW, Vixen LVW, Baader Hyperion or Delos's predecessor - TV Radian, all of which have been on the market for years, and all of which perform well at F6.

Reports from the US suggest the Delos is the best at F4, closely followed by XW, but I don't believe the reviewer in the AN article used an F4 scope.

Nevertheless, it's a interesting article to read.

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I think it's fair to say there is more combined expertise on this board than in the heads of probably all the people who write reviews for magazines. But that's right though, a borg collective mind has more knowledge than any 1 individual. It's probably paid for by TV as well, a 5 page advert dressed up as a review.

Also written for the masses whereas this forum has no grumbles about getting down into the minuest detail for discussion. I guess, in short, magazines are the popcorn of the hobby not the broadsheet newspapers one would like. If you want real detail you have to come to SGL and ask the experts.

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Thanks for the heads up but I stand more chance of the Queen knocking on my front door and asking to borrow a cup of sugar than getting a copy here, is that the door?


Can you hear corgis yapping? :)

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I think it's fair to say there is more combined expertise on this board than in the heads of probably all the people who write reviews for magazines. But that's right though, a borg collective mind has more knowledge than any 1 individual. It's probably paid for by TV as well, a 5 page advert dressed up as a review.

Also written for the masses whereas this forum has no grumbles about getting down into the minuest detail for discussion. I guess, in short, magazines are the popcorn of the hobby not the broadsheet newspapers one would like. If you want real detail you have to come to SGL and ask the experts.

Actually, the person who wrote that article, Neil English, is a well known refractor fanatic, which is why I was surprised by the lack of mentioned of other comparable eyepieces. I'd be very surprise if he hasn't used any of the Delos competitors.

There are a number magazine reviewers here on SGL (inc. a few mods) and at least one member of the S@N team. Obviously they use their real/pen name for magazine and forum name here. Most of their reviews are very informative and I have great respect from them.

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......Actually, the person who wrote that article, Neil English, is a well known refractor fanatic......

And a member of this forum.

I've not read the article but I respect Neil 100% and I'm sure he would stand by what he has written and that it was a true report of his experiences with these eyepieces.

Tele Vue get plenty of coverage on the web and in magazines. I'm sure they don't need to resort to paying for articles to be included, nor would the editors of the magazine accept that.

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It's unusual to use 600x but not unheard of if the conditions and scope are excellent. Neil likes observing close binary stars and really high power can sometimes be used on those. Much more so than for planetary viewing.

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I'd have to say that the lack of reference to the competition is no more than you should expect from a review, where it isn't a 'shoot-out'/group test. The manufacturer/importer, whom you will rely on for future samples, will want to know for what purposes they are sending you ££££s of kit. If it's a stand alone review and/or, that's all they will allow, than that is the way you do it.

You do not (especially in a magazine) spring surprizes on them, nor have the space for detailed comparisons, although that does not preclude refering to shortcomings, if the product has them. The fact they are mentioned, obliquely informs the reader that alternatives exist without that issue. Of course, when group tests do happen, you can also read a lot into why an obvious product doesn't make an appearance; But the reasons may as much be about marketing strategy, as the manufacturers confidence in the product.

What I would absolutely not expect, are comparisons to be made against defunct product lines, as that is entirely irrelevant. No manufacturer pitches a new product against something only now available second hand. That is the preserve of forums.


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