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Posting Supplier Reviews


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Please use this Supplier Review section to tell us about your experience with retailers.

Where possible please post more than simply "I ordered an adapter and it arrived next day". That tells us more about the postal service than the retailer. Please tell us about their communications. Did they respond to your enquiry in good time and offer good advice? How did they handle delays and deliveries that didn't arrive or arrived broken? And how did they handle complaints, returns and warranty repairs? Those are the true tests of a retailer.

To post a review you need 50 posts in other sections and one months membership (people cannot join SGL only to post a review then disappear). To protect SGL from legal action a review MUST be factual. Please do not tell us why you think a retailer did what they did or make any comment on the ethics/morals of the retailer. Only the facts please. Please review only one retailer at a time and include the retailer's company name in the review title, we can then group all reviews for the same retailer into a single thread. Your review will not appear immediately, it is assessed by a moderator first then made live. We reserve the right to reject a review or remove a review after approving it.

We do allow retailers to respond to criticism (so far only FLO has done this but ALL retailers are able, through Admin). 

Supplier reviews are not discussions so once a review is posted the thread is locked. 

Constructive, informative and objective reviews help us identify retailers who offer good advice, service and support.



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