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Ok, so I’ve decided my first telescope is going to be a SW 250px Dob as it is almost within budget (if my wife asks, it was on sale!!!) I'm wondering though, as my first telescope, am I missing anything if the only accessories I have are a Cheshire collimator and a Telrad finder? I'm after ‘nice to have’ rather than ‘essential’ as I'm sure I could get along without either of the above, they just seem sensible. I'm more interested in DSO’s at the moment, I don't know if that makes a difference. Show your working out please :smiley: Thanks in advance

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Good choice of scope. :)

Most people pick up a 32mm plossl pretty early as it helps to find things and they are ok for looking at large objects.

The Cheshire is kind of required as the 10" does need collimation reasonably often due to mirror size.

Telrad is a nice to have in my opinion. Depends entirely on you. If you can use the supplied finder then you dont need a telrad. If you struggle to use the supplied finder then a telrad should help. I have a telrad and it doesnt really see much use.

After those it's just eyepieces all the way, a barlow if you dont have one, assuming you already have your obligatory copy of Turn Left at Orion :)

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I think the big decision you need to make Ryan is whether you want wide field views or can be content with "normal" 50 degree field of view eyepieces. Good quality wide views with an F/4.7 scope have quite a large price tag attached to them - you could easily spend the cost of the scope on a couple of really good wide field eyepieces.

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I would think about a Rigel Quickfinder instead of the Telrad, it's a lot smaller and will sit higher up on the tube so it will be easier to use. I found when trying to use the Telrad that I pretty much had to squat down behind the scope to be able to look up through it. The design of the Telrad (the business end goes to the bottom) is more suitable for those scopes that you're going to be sitting behind.

An OIII filter will make Nebulae stand out better and give better views and at some point you're going to want to upgrade the eyepieces as well, these things can be as expensive as you like :)

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Oh yes, Turn left at Orion was part of my self-imposed education. I've been trying to learn as many constellations as are visible. Now that I'm competent with my bins I'm happy to upgrade. The quick finder may well be swapped in, I quite like the right hand side of my face :smiley: The Olll filter and barlow are great suggestions. They may have to wait a while before they get into my collection but they certainly seem worth having. I fear that when I go to my local astro club, wide field EP's may seduce me :sad:

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A planisphere and download stellarium.

Apart from these, I find a little card loaded with excuses for spending and the occasional gift card from her favourite shoe shop are the best accessories.

Have fun.

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