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Which one for you.

alan potts

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Now I realise few people have what I am asking but have a go anyway and spend spend spend.

I would like to buy a 3.5mm eyepiece when I am in England and I want a very good one. So Pentax 3,5mm XW or TeleVue Delos 3.5mm. The later is about 40 pounds more though this is not a major consideration.

I think I would like to hear from anyone with experience of either range of these eyepieces or is there something of the same quality that I don't know about?


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You'd be one of the people I'd ask this of alan, I'm not sure how many people on here that are active in this sub forum would contribute to that question.

I'd expect both optically to be pretty much the same. Depends on comfort and ergonomics at that point. You have other Delos and XWs as well I believe?

What does your gut say?

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I gather it is a toss-up. Some people prefer XWs to Delos, for others Delos have the slightest of edges, others again say there is absolutely nothing in it. I love my two XWs, and I think you cannot go wrong with them, but have not yet looked through a Delos (and reports suggest you cannot go wrong with them).

Helpful, innit? :D

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I think both you and I have been in agreement on the quality of the Delos that we already own (I now have three now, the 4.5mm, 10mm and 14mm). Have to admit I have little experience of the XWs but I don't think you would ever regret purchasing another Delos EP. I was blown away by the performance of the 4.5mm and I would be shocked if the 3.5mm was any less of a stellar performer.

Clear skies,

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Super models,

The only one I have seen in the last few years was that massive Airfix Spitfire that James May built .

I like blondes and married two brunettes (not at the same time) having had too many blonde girlfriends. The Brunette is 40 quid less too.


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I've the Pentax XW 3.5mm (and the 5mm which I think you may already have) and their performance is identical - excellent !

I've not used a Delos though.

This thread is running on Cloudynights at the moment on the same topic:


Basically it's heads you win, tails you win I reckon. Your final decision could hinge on small points such as ergonomics, par focality with existing eyepieces or even curiosity !.

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Saw This in another thread and it's genius

write the ep brand on a scrap of paper. Screw them both up. Throw them in the air. Pick one off the floor. If you feel any disappointment at the choice you know how you feel. Great Way to work out what you actually want

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Saw This in another thread and it's genius

write the ep brand on a scrap of paper. Screw them both up. Throw them in the air. Pick one off the floor. If you feel any disappointment at the choice you know how you feel. Great Way to work out what you actually want

Ha! Thats class..

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