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Are you a reflector or a refractor?


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To misquote a film....

....'Don't be ridiculous, it should be perfectly obvious I'm neither!'

I have a liking for nice triplet refractors, I love the contrast, tight star shapes and widefield views. I also find them very convenient to use

That said, I have a mak, plus a 10" newt and started off with a 6" Newt so will use anything that gives nice views.

I think there is no such thing as an ideal scope, they all do different things well so am quite open minded about it. I once made a 'telescope' from the eyepiece and objective of a broken pair of binoculars and the tube from a pump dispenser toothpaste. Obviously it was truly dreadful but I managed to focus it in the moon and it was just interesting to see what it did! I like experimenting with all sorts of different ways of viewing, doesn't have to be the biggest or best.


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If I had the spondoolies it'd be all about 'fracs, but considering price for me a reflector wins every time. I mostly do imaging now but I still want nice visual capability from time to time. I just tried out my F4 150mm newt for visual for the first time the other day and it blew me away. I'd never seen such structure in M42, not even with my Dob, although I suspect that's down to focal ratio more than anything.

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I initially went for a Mak (Skymax 90) and a 'Frac (ST102) partly to LEARN about their various characteristics for myself. You can only base so much on others recommendations? <G> Gross (financial!) errors notwithstanding, getting your "feet wet", gaining experience etc. :p

Retrospect is a great thing. Maybe if I'd done things differently? Probably cheaper though... :D

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I have an 8" reflector on a dob mount and a 4" refractor on an alt/az mount. Both give me lovely views and I enjoy using them, though I do slightly prefer the refractor after realising I can find diffraction spikes an annoying distraction.

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As I mostly image I only have fracs at the moment. I've had a mak and am currently trying to decide on newt mak-newt or RC for my next but I'd love a big dob to get lost in just gazing with.

I guess it's a bit like my other collecting passion was... Guitars. There isn't one that does it all for me... But I do find I pick up a telecaster more than any other so for me that's going to be a frac

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Right now I'm purely visual and only have the one scope - an 8" Dob.

I can't see myself getting anything other than a reflecting telescope of some kind, simply because they seem to offer the best bang for buck.

Maybe I'll get a 4" frac for widefield use one day; but the 41mm panoptic in the 8" does that well for me at the moment.

I can see myself getting a more compact reflector like a cat/mak/sct next; and using that for imaging.

I'd also like a really enormous Dob.

The refractor is the last on my list at the moment.

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Each have their place:

Refractor for ease of use

Reflector for 'bang for buck's

SC for versatility

MAC for planets

Owned them all and I now have a SC and a refractor. Happy with my choice but need a better refractor in the long run. Fancy a true triplet!

Typed by me on my fone, using fumms... Excuse eny speling errurs.

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Newtonian on an EQ mount is too awkward to use. Haven't own a Newt, but used the uni's one a few times. I didn't like the diffraction spikes it produce.

Mak Newt - eliminated the diffraction spike and is wonderful for the price. Still it's too awkward to use on a EQ mount

SCT - Compact and versatile. Best if storage space is a limitation. The field is a bit narrow for some objects, but fine for most.

Mak - A bit longer than SCT and a lot heavier. Good sharp optics, great for planets, by the field is even narrower than SCT. Takes too long to cool

Achro - Good sharp view. CA can be a problem at faster f ratio. Very demanding on mount due to its length

APO - good sharp view, but too damn expensive. Very demanding on mount due to its length. Small APO makes great grab and go

I liked my SCTs and small APOs. Owned C6, C8 and C925. Everyone of them have a unique characteristic that make them special. C6 - small, compact fast to cool. C8 - good balance between size and aperture. C925 - a bit big but a genuine planet killer and do quite well on DSO.

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