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Baader Barlow

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Have just received my Baader q-barlow and just thought that I would give a few first impressions.

The first thing is its size. It's a lot smaller than I thought being much smaller than my supplied-with-scope-barlow and also much smaller than my celestron 32mm omni. This is only my second barlow, well actually my fourth if you include the two I had with my 60mm tasco I onced owned a thousand years ago, but are barlows usually this small? It's only about the size of my 18mm bco.

The second thing, and also something else new to me, is the section of felt baffle ( I assume that's what it's for) about half way down. Is this a usual feature of barlows? When I got it a small section had slightly come un-stuck from the side but I think i've managed to get it to stay down, a slight dissapointment but real issue.

Another thing I like is that the top stop-cap is of the type that has a hollow with a plack (or what ever that word is) that one can grab between the thumb and right index finger rather than trying to claw the thing out one's nails like on my supplied barlow. This makes it easier and quicker to use in my opinion which is always good.

Apart from that it seems simple and plain but a nice finish and most importantly the optics look fine. Of course I haven't used it yet as the rain came with it but am looking forward to first light.

I know this as been reviewed thoroughly but just thought i'd give my thoughts.

Also with this barlow I now have a mag range of 23, 42, 75, 94, 125, and 169, hope that's a good enough range? Don't think I will be using it with the 32mm (to much eye relief) though maybe with the lens section threaded into the 18mm bco, see how I will get on with that.

Think that's it.



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Nice description Paul :smiley:

I noticed that strip of black felt on my Q-Turret barlow. I reckon it's to reduce internal light scatter from a section of the interior barrel between the bottom of the eyepiece barrel and the optical lens of the barlow. It's a sweet barlow optically I reckon. Hope you get to use yours real soon.

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