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Jupiter 13th- Saturn-14th


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After taking these jupiter shots thought id stay it through and bag my first saturn of the season, its quite difficult from my location due to trees obstructing the view but managed one run, hopefuly better seeing next time but fairly happy with this one!

All images at f40 but saturn upscaled to 110%. Thanks for looking!




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Yessss you got Saturn too Simon well done mate, Cassini well defined as well you should still be smiling.Jupiter still looking good so i will be doing this again i think.

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These Jupiters are really quite outstanding for this late in the apparition Simon - congratulations!!!

For the elevation etc the Saturn is pretty good also - I reckon lifting the levels a tad and (if you have CS4 etc or some equivalent in another software program) boosting saturation & vibrancy would crank up the Saturn's effect/outcome - but a very good effort regardless...!! :)

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Those are cracking Jupiter shots for this time of year Simon. Very nice processing also.

Good Saturn as well considering you only got one run.

I was also out in the early hours, seeing not too good unfortunately. Thought it was going to be better than it actually was. Will see how they come out later!!



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Nice shots Simon as mentioned particulaly the jupiters. Nice one on your first saturn this year. With these conditions, it may be worth experimenting with different focal lengths on saturn, not sure if you did. Between f20 and f40, seems to be a good guide. Good to start out at F20 when you first get on saturn, and slowly increase the power as you go along if conditions look like they will take it

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Thanks Ewan yes theres still life in jupiter yet!

Darryl your right i do tend to go easy on the saturation but something to consider on my next run!

Thanks Micheal!

Pete still got that wonderful shot in my head you last posted it was dam good, but its not as bleak as i first thought i think some cracking images are possible even as its so looow.

Thanks Neil i did try a x3 barlow but it looked really small, i think aperture is going to come in to play with saturn this year, its going to be harder for the sub 10" scopes to resolve !15fps at 1/15 exposure the shot was took at, but reading Petes post he can shoot at 30fps, thats a lot more data to process, and Freddie also produced a corker with is 9.25 so maybe there is hope if the seeing plays ball.

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Thanks Ewan yes theres still life in jupiter yet!

Darryl your right i do tend to go easy on the saturation but something to consider on my next run!

Thanks Micheal!

Pete still got that wonderful shot in my head you last posted it was dam good, but its not as bleak as i first thought i think some cracking images are possible even as its so looow.

Thanks Neil i did try a x3 barlow but it looked really small, i think aperture is going to come in to play with saturn this year, its going to be harder for the sub 10" scopes to resolve !15fps at 1/15 exposure the shot was took at, but reading Petes post he can shoot at 30fps, thats a lot more data to process, and Freddie also produced a corker with is 9.25 so maybe there is hope if the seeing plays ball.

Cheers Simon.I'm sure we will see quite a few top Saturn images over the next couple of months (yourself included). I was pleasantly surprised by what's possible at this altitude and it just needs that bit of good fortune with the conditions playing ball.


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