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Less than 1 day old moon


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I ventured out into the snow this evening, trying to get a glimpse of Pan-Starrs, but was foiled by a bank of cloud coming over before it got dark enough. Before it arrived, however, I did manage to get the moon at around 18:30 (New moon was 19:54 yesterday, according to the interwebs). No sign of the comet though.


And a crop of the same:


I didn't think I would have a chance given the view this morning:


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Hello, I had a look this evening. No luck with the comet (I gave up at 1910 just after the moon set behind the local horizon). I took a few photos, but can't detect any sign of the comet in any of them. Detail from the best shot is below. Seeing such a young moon was great anyway.

I'll try again tomorrow if it's clear, but think I'll need to find somewhere without a hill in the way!

Camera: Sony-Nex 5r

0.8s f/ 5.6 ISO-800 1904UT

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