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Inherited a Meade

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Hi folks!

Im Max and i live in Bolton!

Yesterday i inherited a Meade 114/900 EQ1-B. Ive been on there website and found a manual for one that is very very similar and i think ive pretty much got it set up on the equatorial mount correctly. However it was no easy task :)

Hopefully tonight i am going to get my finder scope aligned. Ive noticed that its only come with the one eyepiece which was already fitted into the eye piece, is it possible for me to buy these as a spare part?

Also there is a connector on the side of a black box on the side of the mount, looks very similar to a large Svideo connection? Is this so i can connect my laptop? And if so can someone point me in the direction of what software i need?

I also have a DSLR camera and the idea of getting photographs of the moon is very appealing to me! I have already tried abit of night photography with mixed success, is this telescope compatible with attaching a DSLR?

Sorry if i have just bombarded you with a list of NOOB questions which you get on a daily basis, a friendly point in the right direction is all i ask.

Thanks in advance,


If it helps, i will upload some pics tonight

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I would think that an EQ1 would be too light for AP no? Surely any kind of wind and it'll be off all over the place. Never had an EQ mount so I'm in no position to hold a valid opinion, I just thought an EQ1 would be more of a stabiliser than a mount (feel free to correct me)

Most Astro/camera shops would be able to sort out the controller or at least point you in the right direction, try find your local one and give them a buzz.

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You could contact First Light Optics (link at top of page) or any other supplier of astronomical equipment. Regarding EPs, getting EPs is simple enough, provided the focuser has a 1.25" fitting. If so, the main problem is choosing which one, because we are spoiled for choice. If your focuser has a 0.965" (24.5mm) fitting, finding the right size can be harder (alternatively, you can replace the focuser, or just its EP fitting).

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I think the EQ1 mount is a clone of thje Astro-3 mount I once had (and bitterly regret selling). The RA motor drive didn´t have a controller as such - a little 6V (4 X D-cell) battery pack just plugged straight into the motor.

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Heres some pictures, if any closer pics of any of the telescope or mount will help anyone give me advice please mention it.

Now ive figured out how to resize images so they are below 1mb it shouldn't be an issue haha




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The connection is for the the eq1 r.a motor drive hand controller (the part u have is just the drive) which u cant buy seperately, you could put up a wanted ad in astronomy buy & sell for 'eq1 hand controller'.


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im struggling like mad aligning it, the window i want to view from faces south, so i can't aim for the North Star. Which is what the majority of youtube videos/googled tutorials tell you to aim for. I have got stellarium on my laptop so i can see a few stars that will be coming into my view very soon.

Basically, all i have managed to do is set my latitude :huh: and familiarised myself with the different parts of the mount. I have printed off part of the manual that lists the parts and their names. Its been useful!

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If you have correctly set your latitude ( and the mount is level) then if you point your RA axis North (true North rather than magnetic North if possible) then you will have a rough polar alignment which is good enough for visual tracking. Lots of people don't have a view of Polaris so have to do this.

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thanks richie, i just need some clear skies now!

Today looks promising however i am working away :( sods law!

Im hoping to get the Great Nebula of Orion first as i have a good view of orion from my window.

Also purcahsed 5 eyepieces off ebay for 12quid....... may be too much of a bargain however they appear to be in good condition on the photos!

Thanks for the reply!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Lol if it helps its a skylight that opens all the way, so i'm not actually viewing through the glass! I hope it would work quite well as its totally pitch black in my room.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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As Richie & Michael have said, Through a window, either open or closed will have a bad effect on your viewing, I've noticed that even viewing slightly over rooflines (when I'm outside!!) will result in degraded views through the EP, astronomy needs to be done outside i'm afraid & as for viewing in an Obsey, most people will have no heating in there at all.


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