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Any one use a 6.7mmE.S 82!

paul mc c

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I had the Meade version of this eyepiece for 18 months but when the 7mm Nagler moved in the 6.7mm was sold on. I am rather taking the view that there is nothing between these two eyepiece as at the time they were made in the same factory. The Meade has the longer history and could even be a bit better than the ExSc, the Meade also cost more but they tend to over price a good deal. There is also a case that the ExSc is a bit better with it being newer and is now a sealed unit and could well have better coatings.

Either way the eyepiece was a fine one and heald up well against the Nagler ( from memory ) If I recall it was only the very edges that were not razor sharp but I only really became aware of this after the Naglers, you tend to look harder afterwards. I am making this judgement with a 190mm M/N scope at F 5.2

I would say you would not be disappionted with this eyepiece in anything but the very fastest scopes, I mean below F4.5 of thereabouts. We all know this is big price tag territory. The Exsc and Meades are up there with the best of them at lower prices without quite being as good but they are not far behind.

Hope this is of some use,


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Got one of these in the post at the moment, and a 4.7. I'll give my thoughts once I had a few runs.

Also managed to pick up the 2.5x celestron luminos apo barlow. Seems quite hard to get ahold of over here :) Looking forward to getting that too.

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