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2x Barlow recommendation?


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I've decided that my 4x Imagemate just isn't producing the goods as people using two 2x Barlows have much better results. I only have the cheap one that came with my SW. Can you recommend a reasonable brand that's not too pricey?


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I doubt a cheap 2x barlow stacked with a good one would produce a better result than a dedicated 4x. Also note that for a true barlow (not a telecentric lens like the PowerMates) adding extension tubes between lens and camera increases magnification linearly. It is the trick that is used in this beast:


but it applies to all true barlows.

And then there is always the 4x PowerMate, but that is even more expensive than the Carl Zeiss Barlow marketed by Baader (and it is 2").

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Just wondering .... of all the 2x barlows recommended so far (Baader turret x2.25, Revelation x2,TAL x2) - how do they compare against the standard Celestron 2x Barlow? Are they roughly in the same or completely different league? I have the Celestron and I have to say I'm not hugely impressed with it - so I'm wondering whether I would see a major improvement with a Baader/Revelation/TAL instead?



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