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24mm Panoptic


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I don't tell the wife and she don't ask.

I would keep an eye on the secondhand pages, here and A B & S, I got a good few of mine that way and I have still spent an awful lot of pennies on them, enough to buy another 12 inch LX 200, so be warned and be careful. The only good thing is there are few places to go after you have them , especially in widefield eyepieces. Nikon are by all acoounts a tad better but they either cost a great deal more than even TV or you have to go to Japan to get them, any others are so rare you can forget them. Pentax make great eyepieces too for higher magnifications where a superwide field is of less value to driven mounts.

But you cant go wrong with Televue just potless.


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Some Televue eyepieces do have rather strange focus requirements, some don't focus in my SW M/N 190 without an extra sleeve. Post what you want to buy and one of us will know if you are OK, make sure you give all scope details too.


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i lol i dearnt tell the wife about my new contract April that comes with a nice 1K sign over bonus

Daniel, meet Ethos. Ethos, meet Daniel :p

(and you'll even have some change for a few jaffa cakes !!)

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im looking round the house for stuff to sell already :D to get more...i need more!!! lol i dearnt tell the wife about my new contract April that comes with a nice 1K sign over bonus :D also can i use any of the TV range in a focuser with out any issues or do i have to use a parrcor with some of them ?

He's got it bad! There is no known cure for televueitis! You need a vast injection of cash and a dose overdrafts. or a total bank accountectomy. Or you may find yourself cured by a beating by the spouse

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Congrats on your new Panny Dan, it's a fine piece of glass :cool:

Btw, I didn't notice any coma in my f/6 'frac but that could be because of the stupid low magnification in that scope (17x !). All I did notice were pinpoint stars all around the view :cool: given a suitable window in the weather, I'd like to double check my claim :D

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...Btw, I didn't notice any coma in my f/6 'frac but that could be because of the stupid low magnification in that scope (17x !). All I did notice were pinpoint stars all around the view :cool: given a suitable window in the weather, I'd like to double check my claim :D

Coma is much more prevalent in newtonians :smiley:

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He's got it bad! There is no known cure for televueitis! You need a vast injection of cash and a dose overdrafts. or a total bank accountectomy. Or you may find yourself cured by a beating by the spouse

I have a lovely large cardboard box that one of my scopes came in that he can have when the house goes, it's ideal, you can locate the box close to a scope at any dark sky site, a bit of plastic sheet and your made, I think it has legs!


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Well I have to say that is the first time I have heard anyone that likes to have his eyeball stuck to a glass element of any eyepiece. It just goes to show how different we all are when it comes to these little devils. A person wearing glasses though has to choose EP's with a longer eyerelief. I do find it a little difficult getting my eye in the correct place sometimes, the New Delos range are difficult until you read the instructions and use the lift-up and lockable eye-guard, then it is easy. Who needs instuctions, we are men.


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Well I have to say that is the first time I have heard anyone that likes to have his eyeball stuck to a glass element of any eyepiece. It just goes to show how different we all are when it comes to these little devils. A person wearing glasses though has to choose EP's with a longer eyerelief. I do find it a little difficult getting my eye in the correct place sometimes, the New Delos range are difficult until you read the instructions and use the lift-up and lockable eye-guard, then it is easy. Who needs instuctions, we are men.


Instructions :confused:

What kind of man are you? Men don't read instructions..... Well not until we've completely bodged the job and admited defeat!

I'm quite lucky in that I don't need glasses so eye relief is no biggy for me - hence my love affair with ortho's :rolleyes:

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I know what you mean with the push pull type, I had a 10mm Radian that moved at will but that has now gone, My 12mm T4 is fine that is a definate action to it and the same is true of both my 4mm and 5mm Radians. I notice now that TS has increased the price of all TV's to make the Meade 100's look better value, I don't care what they do they are not getting any more custom from me.


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I have decided the next addition will be the 11MM nagler depending on what you guys think ?

I read in a book (the backyard astronomer guide I think) that if either of the authors needed to travel light to a star party etc then they always took the 24mm Pan and the 9mm Nagler T6 plus a good barlow which seems to cover most useful magnifications. Good advice I reckon. The 11mm is a good lens but the 9mm T6 is a stand out lens amongst the T6's I reckon. What is the FL of your scope? We can work out what magnification you'll be getting for each lens :cool:

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I have got one but that don't say a great deal. I picked this up second hand from one of the site members, I use it as about maximum or close to on the LX, it gives about X278 which is a lot of power, it gets used most on Saturn and Mars but because of where thay are I haven't had it in the scope much. It is a very nice sharp to the edge eyepiece. I will say though that I can only assess the eyepiece at F5.26 which is my fastest scope. I have or have had 4 of the T6 range and I find all of them very good.

I don't really think you will get a great deal of negative feed back on any of the T 6 eyepieces other than maybe the 2.5mm being rather short and causing a problem with some people seeing 'Floaters" in there eyes. Of the ones I have used I would say the 13mm was my favourite.


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I've owned all the Type 6 Naglers except the 11mm as it happens. All the rest were really good so I can't see why the 11mm would be any different :smiley:

The only alternative I'd offer up is, if you could possibly find one, is the Pentax XW 10mm. The XW10 is considered the gem of the already superb XW range and is the finest eyepiece in the 9mm - 12mm category that I have ever used. It even managed to outperform the much loved 9mm T6 Nagler that I had at the time.

The T6's are excellent though and are probably going to be easier to source than the XW10.

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I've owned all the Type 6 Naglers except the 11mm as it happens. All the rest were really good so I can't see why the 11mm would be any different :smiley:

The only alternative I'd offer up is, if you could possibly find one, is the Pentax XW 10mm. The XW10 is considered the gem of the already superb XW range and is the finest eyepiece in the 9mm - 12mm category that I have ever used. It even managed to outperform the much loved 9mm T6 Nagler that I had at the time.

The T6's are excellent though and are probably going to be easier to source than the XW10.

Not easy to source? http://www.firstlightoptics.com/pentax/pentax-xw-10mm.html :)

its a 1200 f 4.7 Dob, whats all this T6 and T4???

Quote from TeleVue:

"Why Are There 3 Types of Naglers?

To achieve the full magnification range over 82° apparent field of view requires two types: Nagler Type-5 with focal lengths of 31, 26, 20, 16mm and Nagler Type-6 with focal lengths of 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3.5, 2.5mm.

The Type-5 permits the largest true field possible (31mm has 42mm field stop), while the shorter focal length Type-6 models are parfocal, with similiar size and weight and all with a comfortable 12mm eye relief.

The Type-4 models feature about 18mm of eye relief and with the "instajust" eyeguard are best for eyeglass wearers or Dioptrx users in their 22, 17, 12mm focal length range."

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i know the pentax have great reviews but im quite fussy on having the same branded EP's in my case i dont know why maybe im just a freak lol but i started buying XW's i would have to have a set and tat could mean disaster with the wife

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At FL 1200 you would get 133x from the 9mm and 109x from the 11mm making the 9mm a cracker for planetary work (unless my maths is out). There is a fair bit of difference between the 9 and 11mm in magnification so I can see a case being made for buying both :evil: .

I would seriously consider the Pentax XW 10mm that John recommended as it is a stunner that I lust over myself. I wish I had a box full of just the one brand but I have a proper mixed bag of EP's. You could get away with adding Baader's BGO range to your EP box though (if you can ever find the discontiued beauties) as they also have a black and green livery. :grin:

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i know the pentax have great reviews but im quite fussy on having the same branded EP's in my case i dont know why maybe im just a freak lol but i started buying XW's i would have to have a set and tat could mean disaster with the wife

I used to be exactly like that. After I'd tried the XW10 though it sort of nagged away at me so eventually I moved from T6 Naglers to Pentax XW's for very high magnifications. I've also got a couple of BGO's because there are one or two occasions when they can surpass the mighty "green and black" and even the XW's too :smiley:

You can't go far wrong by sticking to Tele Vue throughout though - they are all very high performing eyepieces :smiley:

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