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Jupiter 4th march


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Awesome pics Simon !

Please excuse my lack of some knowledge, but I was hoping to probe a bit more about your kit.

Up to now I have only used my video mode on my DSLR which is 25FPS at size 1980x1080. However its a large censor so the image coverage of say Jupiter is relatively small, so i have to image through a plossl to get a larger size on the censor.

Would you say that having a faster frame rate at 60 fps makes a big difference to the number of higher quality stills compared to my 25FPS, and or are there other factors you think I am being limited to. I would like to pruchase a more speiclast astro video cam but am keen to know what I get as an advantage over the DSLR.

Detail in your pics is awesome. NB I have an example in my gallery as the best I seem to be able to get (ignore the 12"SCT shot as this was not my scope, but did give me a bigger shot/more detail)

Many thanks

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