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Binoviewers with a 4se?


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I'm toying with the idea of purchasing these binoviewers from FLO to use with my nexstar 4se.


The main reason for this is to add some relief to my observations of the moon and also to get round a problem I have with floaters in my right eye. I understand these work well with maks but I am concerned about loss of light particularly as I only have a scope with 102mm aperture.

These seem to be a popular choice for observing moon and planets with maks/sct's of around 5 to 6 inches in aperture but I have not come across a review of someone using them less than 5.

Has anyone on here experienced using Binoviewers on a 4se or something similar? Would the loss in light outweigh the benefits of using Binoviewers with a small scope like mine?

I suspect this will give me another excuse to upgrade my scope to a bigger one :grin:


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I use Binos with a 90mm refractor and the view is bright enough for me. I think the summation from two eyes, more than makes up for the slight loss of light through the splitting prism.

Especially for the moon and planets, you can't go wrong.

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I had a pair of binos and although they are fantastic, even without a barlow in a 127 mak they seemed to add a LOT of extra magnfication. not really sure what caused that in the end. I used the 20mm eyepiece in the scope directly and could make out about 15 tiles on a roof, edge to edge. when I put the binos in the same scope without any barlow, 2x 20mm in them, and got them to focus I could only see about 3 tiles. I couldnt account for why this was to be honest.

As much as I loved them I've since sold them on and bought better quality ultra wide AFOV eyepieces instead. This is actually more immersive in my honest opinion.

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Only by 100mm though. It didnt seem to account for the gain in magnficiation, plus you need to move the primary mirror to bring these to focus which must be eating in to that 100mm some more as the movement is shorterning the FL inside the tube not lengthening it.

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