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new scope ordered


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Well that's new scope arrived from flo yesterday. .fast delivery many thanks..review

Scope comes in a sturdy aluminum type case with locks a fair bit of weigh in it..scope packed nice and secure in foam type packing. .scope nice heavy feel to it without stickers nearly same as my st102. .not until you open other packages do you see the difference. .the two inch star diagonal is a hefty peice of equipment and being used to the 1.25 lenses in other scopes the 2" 28 mm lens is something else its msssive compared to the 1.25.

And also comes with a focal tube to fit to a t ring.

There is also the 2" Step down to 1.25 in the kit so your not stuck just with the 28mm lens..the twin focus is nice to work and at end of focal range slips to stop any damage..the focusser has a lot less play in the focus tube than the st102 as well.finder scope is Crystal clear optically snd can see why they are converted to a guide scope...class act ..can't wait till first light..using the Samsung scb2000. .reports to follow

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Calibrated finder to ed80 this afternoon and tried scb2000 on it ..only trees sixty feet away. .clouds rolled in so no more adjustments tonight. .will be trying settings Paul found and put up links too..when skies clear. ..

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Hope the skies clear and you get chance to try it out.

I'd have got one too but fund s did not stretch that far - that's why I have ended up with the INED70. Not tried the SDC435 in it yet - too busy playing with my C8 and F3.3 reducer - great view of M51 recently, but no capture (LCD monitor only). Have set up laptop with capture stick now - just waiting for a clear night when I'm at home.

Clear skies


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Hi Paul..the optics look great on the scope hand held other night and pointed at moon no ca obvious on brighter section of moon.hope it works ok with the scb2000...I went this way to give me more options ..don't know if its my night vision or light pollution but on my dslr st102 I could not focus on the stars so I'm pushing the video side more only got a quick capture of the moon using the scb2000 on the st102 and was less than impressed with the amount of ca on itself

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  • 2 months later...

Davy, did you sort out your 80 pro with focusing? I'm hoping to get my hands on one next week which I want to use with the cam. At the moment I've only got a mak 127 and I've not been able to see any dso's thru it.

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Nibor..I like the idea of video for hopefully the simplicity once I'm organised. .and hopefully the kit I'm getting will be future proofing. .I would like just to stick scope out rigged to a power supply stick in video cam linked to a computer and just pan the sky and record live views no needing to worry over camera settings , filters ect...ok if we want to do processing to get stills we can no prb....I done a ten minute test of camera mod and had nearly 18000 frames....think video will be an asset to disabled or older astronomers that can remote view without being out in cold ect...Davy

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Nibor..I like the idea of video for hopefully the simplicity once I'm organised. .and hopefully the kit I'm getting will be future proofing. .I would like just to stick scope out rigged to a power supply stick in video cam linked to a computer and just pan the sky and record live views no needing to worry over camera settings , filters ect...ok if we want to do processing to get stills we can no prb....I done a ten minute test of camera mod and had nearly 18000 frames....think video will be an asset to disabled or older astronomers that can remote view without being out in cold ect...Davy

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I'm saving for matching sw flatner/ reducer to use with dsr.

I think Samsung will require reducer , I have a reducer but not testing it out yet ..secluded garden view upwards only.

Constantly low clouds or rain here. ..getting cabin fever. .I got the ed80 full kit..its a brilliant scope I love its clarity. ..Davy

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davy, your finder scope is it the straight one and upside down view? I got a straight one for it and I dont like it , upside down and left and right all to [removed word], might see if i can change it for a 90 degree and right way up

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I tried a 0.5 reducer on my mak with sammy, and it did make a difference , only tried it during the day and I had to turn the settings down was way to bright with it in. so I might give it a go on the Ed80 and see what effects it has

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Hi Davy, I'm playing with it right now [the scope] doing the setting for DSO's. Didn't get round to trying the 0.5 reducer as I was trying to get my dslr camera set up.[ panasonic GF2] but looks like I'm having trouble getting focus with it. got the Sammy hooked up at the moment on a flag pole with a flag on it half a mile away and its pretty dark out there but looking at the laptop it looks like a bright summer's day, so I'm going to leave them settings as they are. Had a look at the sun this afternoon and I must say it was pretty sharp, I'm really impressed with it.

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Well its well and truly dark out there, and the picture is still the same, got sens-up set to Limit 512 auto and the flag pole looks like its had a lick of white paint its that bright. might have to do a few tweaks to settings when I get a chance to look at the heavens but the clouds have rolled in and it looks like I'll have to shelf it for the night

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My canon 400d ...no probs on focus on that with ed80. ..just the Sammy. ..partner wanting greenhouse and shed moved to diff positions on garden. ..I'm getting relegated to bottom of garden with my astroshed might be better for lp from neighbors houses. .

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Your right Davy it wont focus if you connect it straight to the focuser, had the same problem. In the photo if you look at the focus tube is about where its focused give or take a bit. the flip mirror is just over 4'' long, with the dslr its the other way round, tube all the way in.


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