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Cant see clear images!!!!

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Hi All.

Just got a Meade DS2090 AT-TC and cannot seem to see anything clearly!!

Unfortunately i am on the 1st floor and therefore dont have a garden so i am choosing my time wisely and waiting for objects (mainly the Moon) to be visable through an open window... All i can see is i very bright blury circle.. no detail at all. i have tried various lenses and having read a few posts it seems the higher the mm the easier it will be to see something.

I have even resorted to taking the scope off the tripod and holding it.. not much success there either

Also as this uses a GOTO system how would being on the 1st floor affect it???

Am itching to see my first :moon: with the telescope

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Don't forget that if you point any telescope through an open window you will get very bad viewing due to the warm air currents escaping from your house! Providing your windows are clean, you will get better views leaving the windows closed.



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I'm not 100% familiar with your scope or it's goto.

But being on a first floor will not affect the GOTO, providing that you can see the alignment stars it will work fine.

If your inside then I would think that the GOTO will be not of great use (because no alignment is possible).

Let us know if adding the diagonal helped?


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Try this. Point the scope at a distant object, and slowly move the vocus from one end to the other. If it doesn't come to focus at some point, move the focus to the end that is least blurry, and then slowly draw the eyepiece out of the diagonal, looking through it to see if it comes to focus with the extra travel. You may have to draw the ep completely out of the barrel, but keep it in line with the focuser. If it comes to focus and you are still in the barrel, just tighten the set screw for the moment. If you are out of the barrel, take a Barlow, and take the lens out of it, and use it as an extender. I have done this with a scope, and it works. If you get it to focus this way, you can figure out what you need to make it work for you. If you still can't get it to focus, we'll hve to think of something else.

One outside possibility is that there is nothing far enough away for the scope, but I consider this unlikely. You should be able to focus at 100' with just about any scope.

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i was all ready to get the scope out in the garden but it was cloudy, so no joy there.

However i did manage to focus on some flowers!! so it does work..

Thanks for all your help.. hopefully i will have better luck in Wales this weekend should be a lot darker.

Will let you all know



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