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Which Barlow.


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I'm 49 and a complete novice in astronomy, I've only had my telescope since January, it's a Celestron nexstar 127SLT. So far I have looked at Jupiter and the moon. I've been very impressed with the views of both especially the moon obviously because it's nearer. My views of Jupiter, I can make out two or three bands and also the four main moons.

I have been reading and hearing about these Barlow lens, I would like to know exactly what difference my view would be of the above and which lens to buy.

Kind regards, Carl.

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Scratch that last post having done the math an 8mm starguider is about as high as you want to go. your max magnification is aprox 254x but uk seeing is usually limited to about 150x and you work out magnification by dividing your scopes focal length (1500mm) by your eyepiece focal length. a barlowed 10mm will not give you any better a view than the one you are getting

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Welcome to SGL

I agree that a barlow might be of limited use to you at the moment. As rowan46 says, an 8mm or 7mm eyepiece would get you more magnification (because of the long focal length of this scope it doesn't need much of a change in eyepiece focal length to get a big change in magnification). You might also consider something closer to 32mm for low magnification wide field views. I wouldn't go any longer than 32mm though.


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Hi Carl and welcome to SGL, If you ever do consider the purchase of a Barlow, sometime in the future, then as has been said invest in a very good one, a good quality Barlow will not detract or add anything to the quality of your optics, other than to do what it was designed for. However, it has been stated by one good Astronomy author, that poor quality units are more useful as door stops. Enjoy your new scope :)


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Hi Carl and welcome aboard

+1 for John's sentiments re barlows v quality, I have an Ultima barlow (1.25") and a Televue (2") which are both excellent performers. However I have had other barlows which certainly were not. Therefore unless you are prepared to invest in quality my advise is to hold fire.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

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Hi Carl and welcome from me too - I had the same scope as you (still have it) and got a pretty standard Skywatcher 2x Barlow - it was fine with the supplied 25mm EP - but not as good as a dedicated 12mm - but on all but the best seeing conditions (rare) the 9mm EP, Barlowed was a disappointment, the magnification was just too much

Dedicated EP's will always be better - but of course there's the expense to consider

Good luck

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