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Eyepiece adapter question

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Hi everyone,

I have a sw200p on a cg5 mount(good combination).When I use 2inch ep I use the 2inch holder then when I use a 1 1/4inch ep I use the 1 1/4 holder but I have noticed some people stack the 1 1/4 on top of the 2.Is there a reason for doing this or is it just quicker?.

If you did this then stacked a Barlow on top of the 1 1/4 then stacked an ep on top you would be a foot away from the tube and no way would you have perfect alignment.

Or have I lost the plot many thx


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I'm not sure what you're thinking of there, I use 2" eyepieces as they are and 1.25" ones in a 2" adaptor, they all sit pretty much at the same level until you add in a barlow. I have seen very long barlows, generally on cheaper refractor scopes and similarly I have a 2" extension tube with my Dob but haven't found a use for it yet as my dslr won't reach focus even without it.

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Hi Jonn, there would be no logical reason to stack a 2" and a 1.25" adaptor, except that one fits inside the other to enable the use of 1.25" ep's. There have been incidences where the two have been stacked in error, but this usually results in not being able to focus. This has been the case on the odd occasion with the SW 200P as it often comes with both a 2" and a 1.25" adaptor that both in thier correct turn are fitted to the focuser, but never both together, as it is not 'the one fits inside the other' type!

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