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3 100' ES eyepieces for about £500


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Found this. Thought I'd share 3 for about the price of an Ethos. These any good?

Bought one thing last week from this super and finding them slow, they still haven't dispatched, and poor customer service so far, not replied to emails and when phoned have date for dispatch but Web still shows processing, but they sure do have some great deals.

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Explore Scientific produce excellent eye pieces, I have the 14mm 100° and a couple of the 82° models. Much has been written about the 100° types in competition with the Ethos, there are some articles on the CN forum and there have also been reports on this forum, Astro-Baby I believe did one. The general consensus is that there is little visually to choose between them and the Ethos in performance, and of course TeleVue has its devotees, but the main difference is the price. the three models being offered at something over £530 at current exchange rates is a bargain, if anyone has got that sort of money spare IMHO they are worth it as the saying goes :)


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I've bought ES stuff from them before with no problems. They might be busy as Alan says. I have the 20mm 100' and it spends a lot of time in the focuser. I'm selling some of my gear to fund the 14mm 100' that I have denied myself for some time :(:)

They'll be worth the wait


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You know - I've never used an ES eyepiece :shocked:

That should be remedied soon though as I've got an ES 20mm / 100 on it's way :smiley:

It's going to be very interesting comparing it with my Nagler Type 5 20mm :smiley:


I'd be very interested in your opinion on this. I have the 20mm 100* and I love it. Its certainly less expensive than the TV equivalent. Now before everyone devours me and says there is no equivalent, I'm just interested in its performance. You might not be comparing it against the 21 E but maybe you've looked through one and can draw an opinion. I like the 100* but genuinely cannot justify the cost of a 21E, so for about 1/2 the cost, is it lacking or lacking much. I got a CC to improve the view with the F4.5 mirror and while the assembly is LONG, I can live with it. Mind you, I dont always use the CC. When I use it for clusters, I do, on galaxies etc, I don't tend to. Yes, I'd be interested in your opinion.

Hope you enjoy it.


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I know that they are not both 100 degree but you have got to do a head to head on those two. and write it up. Then I will buy the 21mm E


The last few weeks has taught me to be a bit more open minded about eyepiece performance Alan. The Baader Classic Ortho's have been a bit of a "wake up call" so to speak :smiley:

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I'd be very interested in your opinion on this. I have the 20mm 100* and I love it. Its certainly less expensive than the TV equivalent. Now before everyone devours me and says there is no equivalent, I'm just interested in its performance. You might not be comparing it against the 21 E but maybe you've looked through one and can draw an opinion. I like the 100* but genuinely cannot justify the cost of a 21E, so for about 1/2 the cost, is it lacking or lacking much. I got a CC to improve the view with the F4.5 mirror and while the assembly is LONG, I can live with it. Mind you, I dont always use the CC. When I use it for clusters, I do, on galaxies etc, I don't tend to. Yes, I'd be interested in your opinion.

Hope you enjoy it.


I'll be happy to post my thoughts on the ES 20 / 100 Barry :smiley:

I do have 3 Ethos eyepieces so I have some sort of benchmark there plus the 20mm Type 5 is regarded as one of the sharpest Naglers with high light transmission so it will be a stern test.

My fastest scope is now F/5.3 so a CC is not really needed.

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I do have 3 Ethos eyepieces so I have some sort of benchmark there plus the 20mm Type 5 is regarded as one of the sharpest Naglers with high light transmission so it will be a stern test.

John, if it doesn't stand up well don't burst my bubble and lie. :smiley:

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John "Televue" Huntley has defected!

This will surely rock this forum to the very foundations!


I found deserting my Nagler T6's for Pentax XW's hard enough :undecided:

The good thing about the Baader Classics is that their cost is low enough to be able to have some as well as the wide fields :smiley:

I'll be honest though a say that, much as I tried, I could not convince myself to spend an additional £300 on the Ethos 21 :embarrassed:

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I know what you mean John regarding the T6's, I was also very fond of them. The Pentax XW's are lovely though! I added a 5mm last week, compliments of fleabay, to complete a 10, 7, 5mm set.

I have a hunch you will be very impressed with the 20mm ES. As you know, my only forray into the ES range was the 30mm 82°, and I found it nothing short of superb!

I look forward to reading your thoughts on the 20mm :-)

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Wot a cracking deal......if I was wanting 100' EPs I would be in like Flynn.

John it will be intesting to see what you find with the 20'. I dound there was no visible difference between the 14mm and a13mm Ethos and the 14mm will even give a Pentax XW a eun for its money. Like the XWs the 14mm on a good night could give an ortho like view in terms of contrast.

I got a better view of the Swan nebula two years ago with the 14mm than almostanything else. It was so good it did actually look like a swan instead of being a fuzzy blur. Seeing was excellent on that night and the. Clarity of the glass in the 14mm was really amazing.

Unfortunately I just dont like the whole 100' thang and prefer a slightly less wide field.

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82 is my limit really. just thought it was such a good deal and people on here might have some use of a good deal :)

What's the deal with Orthos btw? All the orthoscopics I see are 50' AFOV, so what makes them so appealing?

They're sharp (if they are good quality) and cheap. What's not to love?

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