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UO HD Orthos


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I had the 5mm UO HD for a while. It performed the same as a BGO (really well !) and was physically very similar with a couple of exceptions, i) the UO had a safety undercut in the barrel and ii) the UO had screen printed decals rather than the engraved ones that the Baader GO has. Whether they come from the same manufacturer I don't know for sure but they are mighty similar.

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I am kind of tempted myself just so I can have a set of UO VTs AND a set of UO HDs but consiring I havent gotten to use a scope in almost four months I think I will pass. Truth to tell I am serioulsy considering selling all my gear off. The weathers been so bad dor so long and last year was a waste of time. Each of the past five years has been worse than the one before.

Anyway ai am passing on these.........Even a month ago ai would have jumped but ai dont havle the enthusiasm to spend cash on a hobby I dont get to practice anymore.

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I'm sure that's a feeling shared by many, myself included after tonight's frustrations. 7pm, home from work and scope straight out on the lawn to cool. 300p equals a couple of hours of cool down for stable planetary views, that being the point - I was going to give my ES Focal Extender it's first light on a crystal clear, waxing gibbous moon and Jupiter nestling nearby.

Before two hours pass and without even so much as cracking the EP case open, I'm retrieving a fog sodden scope back into the study. Hurrumph.

What they don't tell you when you take up Astronomy, is that you'll need to take up another hobby at the same time.


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