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How do I mount an ST80 to an 80ED as a guidescope?

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I'm looking to mount an ST80 to an 80ED to use as a guidescope and have to admit, I'm completely stumped about how to go about it now! I thought I could use the mounting bar which came with the HEQ5, attach that to the top of the 80ED via the camera bolts and then attach the ST80 onto that.

The ST80 has a plastic mounting block attached to the O-rings whose screws don't quite line up with the holes on the mounting plate (I thought perhaps they would as they're both from the same manufacturer!) however - they're off by about 5-10mm(ish) so that idea didn't work. If I was to take the plastic block off, I wouldn't be able to attach the O-rings directly to the plate as there are no other holes in it except those to attach to the camera bolts.

I've had a look at the FLO website but I'm now completely confused as to all the different types of plates and sizes available and don't want to order anything which wouldn't be any use!

Also, how do you get the camera bolts out of the top of the O-rings? I've tried to get one out of the ST80 rings but it's in so tight all I've managed is to strip a little thread from it (but not so much it's ruined!) without it budging a bit.

Hopefully that made some sense and doesn't confuse as much as I am!


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To get the screws out you can cut away a little of the material (felt?) on the inside of the rings - this exposes the screw heads. A large cross-point screwdriver will do the necessary.

To mount the ST80 you will need something like a second dovetail that will fit on top of the ED80 tube rings (via the screws you have just removed!!). Or you can get a piece of alunium bar (about 6mm by 50mm in cross section) and drill it yourself. Alternatively you can simply drill holes in the supplied bars - if there is room. It is quite common to have to drill fixing holes like this as the various bits of kit supplied cannot possibly be made to fit every individuals requirements. Hope this helps.

Edit: Sailor beat me to it with a picture!

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Brilliant, thanks both! The picture and explanation makes sense - wasn't sure if I'd have to get the drill out or not and never even though of looking under the o-rings for the head of the bolt! Will get the drill out at the weekend and hopefully get it sorted!


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