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Should have gone to Specsavers


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Odd topic here, but I am sure you will appreciate the relevance.

I went to Specsavers last week as I hadn't been in over a year. New prescription and glasses were ordered. After collecting them yesterday and a moderately clear night I ventured outside with the Dob for the first time in what seemed like ages.

After I set the dob up I left it for a while to cool down and sat back in my chair to get my eyes used to the dark. What shocked immediately was the impact that new specs had on my naked eye viewing. I could see more stars and they were all tiny pin pricks. On to the scope and I was even more shocked. The moon was crisp and the orion nebula was something else!!

Moral of this story, I should have gone to Specsavers a lot sooner

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I often wonder whether I should get my prescription changed. I also found the Orion Nebula last night and was amazed how clearly I could see it, especially with the moon not that far away in the sky. Jupiter was also looking lovely last night, I presume it was the shadow of one of the moons that I could see on the disc, a rather well defined black spot.

I think it could be another good night for observing tonight as well. Good luck!

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This is interesting. I wear glasses all day every day (mainly out of habit because i need them for watching tv, working on the computer and driving........so i just leave them on). The only time i dont wear them is while observing. I have to say though that every time i go to specsavers (cheap and cheerful) for an eye test, i do tend to squint a little while being tested as to see a bit better, so i dont think my prescription is 100% accurate. When i look at stars etc with my glasses (no scope involved), those stars are still not pin sharp. Thats why i think my squinting during an eye test screws up my prescription.

I wont do that again.

However i just cant get used to observing while wearing glasses. My eye feels so far away from the EP.

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If you squint while getting your eyes tested you'll get glasses that only give good vision whenever you squint through them.

Looking through a telescope at medium to high power is to some extent equivalent to squinting, because of the small exit pupil. This in itself can be enough to correct for aberrations visible with a fully dilated pupil. I do most observing at medium to high power and find glasses unneccesary - the telescope focuser and small exit pupil are together enough to give a satisfactory view.

But for naked eye viewing it certainly makes a difference to get a good prescription - I got new glasses recently and can see a big difference.

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A point you might not be aware of is the eye testing in an opticians has the chart at about 6 meters distance. To them that is good enough for infinity. I always have to get them to correct the distance strength by about 1/4 dioptre otherwise I do not see the stars as sharp points. If I am in doubt about their settings I try to get out of the shop with the portable glasses they use and look at distant objects.


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