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Illuminated reticule eyepiece.


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Hello.I have just bought an Orion 10 inch intelliscope.When you use the object locator I understand that you have to be quite accurate in the star alignment.Would an illuminate reticule eyepiece help in this process.Any advice or experiences would be gratefully received.

Thanks, Martin. :cool:

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I think they always help with alignment because it's very hard to judge where the centre of the field of view is otherwise. That said, I don't know how accurate you really need to be for the intelliscope.

I use mine (cheapish one from Sky's the Limit) for alignment for planetary imaging. I can't imagine you'd need to be more accurate than that.


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Thanks for that JamesF.The instructions tell you that for alignment in the two star process you need to be accurate enough to get a figure of 5 or below.I just imagined that an illuminated eyepiece would help in the way that you described.Thanks. :icon_salut:

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I imagine the Sky's the Limit one would be fine for that. It's clearly made to a price, but it does the job. When all you need is to get the target between the two sets of tramlines I often don't even bother to get it in focus :)


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