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Moon Mosaic 17/02/2013 - Firefly MV Mono & IR PASS


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My second attempt at this and managed to capture the whole lot tonight using the Firefly MV Mono @ prime focus F5 on my SWE200P. 12 Panels in total, stacked in R6 and stitched using MS ICE before light post process in GIMP.

Little bit windy out there tonight, but quite pleased for the initial Mosaic.


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A close up of crater between Mare Crisium and Marsh of Sleep at F15 (3x barlow) and Firefly MV Mono/IR Pass..


Couldn't find the name for this one, if anyone has a more comprehensive moon atlas or just happens to know it off hand (no prizes, but much respect ;) )

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Thats great :Envy: !

If you crop the edges of stacks before MS ICE youll get rid of the white lines that are visible.

Cheers Dan,

Your eyes are way sharper than mine :) Is this a function within registax or should I gimp these before composting in ICE?


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Luvly image Snakey. Your really doing well with the little camera!

Clear nights and I can't get out, typical.

Cheers Cath - nice and clear, but the wind is blowing up and shaking things around. I had to loose the dew shields to make it manageable. Hope it drops off for tomorrow morning so I can have another go at Saturn..

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