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Another shot of 17P / Holmes

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That's a great webcam shot. All you need is more exposure and lots of frames, the thing will leap out at you then. What are you using for stacking BTW?

Kaptain Klevtsov


I used registax4 for this one, incedentally i also had a go with deep sky stacker and got some really weird result :huh

May have another go tonight if it remains clear :smiley:


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Had another go at this last night but having seen the result :smiley: i think i fell into the trap of having too long an exposure time (60 seconds), but not enough frames (60 taken). The result didn't seem any better than my first attempt (30sec X 30 frames). Had a ponder and have come to the conclusion that to improve the result i need to have more frames (ie more data), but not necessarily set a longer exposure time greater than 30 seconds used for my first attempt.

If anyone can confirm this approach is correct i'd be much obliged :evil:


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Hi Roy,

I'd be inclined to go for 10 second exposures and then shed loads of them.

When stacking - maybe attempt a manual align - on the comet (NOT the surrounding stars).

KK, I quite like DSS...


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Hi Roy,

I'd be inclined to go for 10 second exposures and then shed loads of them.

When stacking - maybe attempt a manual align - on the comet (NOT the surrounding stars).

KK, I quite like DSS...


Ant - thanks for the advice, confirms my thoughts that i need loads more subs to improve the result, also i'll have a play around with the alignment on last nights avi and see if it looks any better. 8)


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Had another go with the webcam a few nights back, coz the coma has increased i think it is less contrasty than the first one? I think i should have gone for less subs ( took 400) but longer exp say 20 - 30 secs?


(click to enlarge)


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