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B33 horse head nebula and flame nebula, modded canon 500d in HA


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here is the first astrophoto from me in two years, any advice would be appreciated.

It was a guided by a QHY5 on a EQ6 mount, scope ED80

camera was a modded canon 500d with a HA clip

7 x 10 min subs at iso 1600

darks,flats and bias processed in PS5.

Hope you like :)


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  • 2 months later...

here is the first astrophoto from me in two years, any advice would be appreciated.

It was a guided by a QHY5 on a EQ6 mount, scope ED80

camera was a modded canon 500d with a HA clip

7 x 10 min subs at iso 1600

darks,flats and bias processed in PS5.

Hope you like :)


That's impressive, does using a HA filter also help cut out light pollution?

Which HA clip filter did you use?

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It would be very helpful if you could share your workflow with us here. Many of us here are thinking about buying a H-alpha filter but we aren't entirely convinced if it's worth it. Your pictures show that it is but... how do you do it?


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